
The Thickets Campaign Hex Keys

This is a work in progress. I plan to update and properly hyperlink the entries as I rewrite refine and finish them. Eventually I hope to have distinct entries for most every hex that has morre going on than just landscape, including things like settlement sheets for TNU (the game I run this in) and whole dungeons, as well as more detailed integration with my personal hexcrawling procedures.

The hexmap itself was made in Hex Kit by Cecil Howe, using assets from The Black Spot asset pack by Cecil Howe, the Fantasyland asset pack by Cecil Howe, the HPS Cartography Kit by Nate Treme, and the World Champ Hex Pack by Adam Vass. This document mostly exists for ease of personal reference and to show off to my friends - I do not plan to sell or monetize the content of it, and if I did at some point in the future I would replace the map assets that do not include a commercial license.

I don’t know why the dashes in this are inconsistent on blot because I keep correcting them in my word processor of choice. I too am annoyed by this and trying to fix it.

0101 — A vast ancient construction. Huge disc embedded in the ground, spins erratically sometimes. Various arms emerge from the center, pointing at various places and objects — true north, magnetic north, a few stellar bodies, and other unknown points.

0201 – Snow-capped mountains tower over the landscape. The wind whips through their passes, and great clouds of fog emerge, hypnotic.

0301 – Snow-capped mountains tower over the landscape. The wind whips through their passes, and great clouds of fog emerge, hypnotic.

0401 – Snow-capped mountains tower over the landscape. The wind whips through their passes, and great clouds of fog emerge, hypnotic.

0501 — Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

0601 – Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

0701 — Snow-capped mountains tower over the landscape. The wind whips through their passes, and great clouds of fog emerge, hypnotic.

0801 — Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

0901 – Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

1001 – Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

1101 – Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

1201 — Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

1301 — Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

1401 — High rocky cliffs rise above the shore. Trees twisted by the strong winds and waves cling to the sides.

1501 – Open Ocean.

0102 — Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

0202 – Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

0302 – Truly labyrinthine brambles, with unidentified berries fruiting year round. There are paths through, but they are treacherous and changing.

0402 — Truly labyrinthine brambles, with unidentified berries fruiting year round. There are paths through, but they are treacherous and changing.

0502 — Truly labyrinthine brambles, with unidentified berries fruiting year round. There are paths through, but they are treacherous and changing.

0602 – Truly labyrinthine brambles, with unidentified berries fruiting year round. There are paths through, but they are treacherous and changing.

0702 – Sparse cold grassland. Old standing stones dot the landscape. Old iron arrow and axe heads are strangely common to find, buried just inches deep.

0802 — Sparse cold grassland. Old standing stones dot the landscape. Old iron arrow and axe heads are strangely common to find, buried just inches deep.

0902 — Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

1002 – Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

1102 — Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled. In a clearing, there is a vast pile of old iron arrow and axe heads. Moths and spiders, neither bothering the other, nest in the trees around it.

1202 – Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

1302 – Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

1402 — High rocky cliffs rise above the shore. Trees twisted by the strong winds and waves cling to the sides.

1502 – Open ocean.

0103 — Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

0203 — Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns. A memorial to the River Queen.

0303 – Truly labyrinthine brambles, with unidentified berries fruiting year round. There are paths through, but they are treacherous and changing.

0403 – Truly labyrinthine brambles, with unidentified berries fruiting year round. There are paths through, but they are treacherous and changing.

0503 — Truly labyrinthine brambles, with unidentified berries fruiting year round. There are paths through, but they are treacherous and changing.

0603 – An old dam sits along the river here. Monolithic. A group of communists fleeing the kingdom of Law took refuge here, only to have most of their number slain and used as vessels by Rittersnakes who now maintain the dam.

0703 — The river winds through a sparse cold grassland. Old standing stones dot the shoreline. Old iron arrow and axe heads are strangely common to find, buried just inches deep or sitting in the riverbed.

0803 – The river winds through a sparse cold grassland. Old standing stones dot the shoreline. Old iron arrow and axe heads are strangely common to find, buried just inches deep or sitting in the riverbed.

0903 — The river winds through a sparse cold grassland. Old standing stones dot the shoreline. Old iron arrow and axe heads are strangely common to find, buried just inches deep or sitting in the riverbed.

1003 — The river winds through a sparse cold grassland. Old standing stones dot the shoreline. Old iron arrow and axe heads are strangely common to find, buried just inches deep or sitting in the riverbed.

1103 – The river winds through a sparse cold grassland. Old standing stones dot the shoreline. Old iron arrow and axe heads are strangely common to find, buried just inches deep or sitting in the riverbed.

1203 — Muddy coastline along the bay which springs from the river mouth. Schools of fish and squid, many large crabs.

1303 — High rocky cliffs rise above the shore. Trees twisted by the strong winds and waves cling to the sides.

1403 – Two islands dotted with the remains of beached ships. The wood of the ships has been carved with intricate patterns.

1503 — Open ocean.

0104 – Dense and overgrown forest. Thick moss, on the trees and underfoot. Paths are sparse. Regularly fog-filled.

0204 — Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.

0304 — Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.

0404 – Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.

0504 — Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.

0604 – Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.
Fire cult remnant temple.

0704 — Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss. The river runs winds between the hills.

0804 — The Grey Grandfather, a huge snow capped mountain rising above the landscape. Clouds seem to cling to it even on otherwise bright days.

0904 — Low barren hills, at odds with the landscape surrounding them. Not much grows here.

1004 — Dark moss covered forest. Trees are spaced wide enough to walk between easily, but tall and old enough to blot out daylight. Large stones, rocky hills, lichen and mushrooms.

1104 — Muddy flatlands, with small streams dotting the landscape. Old standing stones.

1204 – Muddy coastline along the bay which springs from the river mouth. Schools of fish and squid, many large crabs.

1304 — Muddy coastline. Shallow streams emerge from brackish swamp.

1404 — A large island. Once populated, but all that remains are foundations of houses, stone lined cellars, and a few stone monuments. Now home to a group of transcendentalists.

1504 – Open ocean.

0105 – Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.

0205 – Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.

0305 — The Northmost Collaboration. Large encampment turned small city, within and just outside an old set of still sturdy fortress walls. Tucked into the northern mountain range, hard to see from a distance. A large scale Transcendentalist movement has taken hold here and serves as the primary political force of the settlement.

0405 – Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.

0505 — Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.
Brother to the Stones.

0605 – Densely packed cliffs and mountains. Sparse patches of pine, winding paths full of switchbacks, howling wind, old cairns.

0705 – Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss. The river runs winds between the hills.

0805 — The Grey Son, an ominous low mountain emerging from the woodland hills. Clouds seem to cling to it even on otherwise bright days.

0905 — Dark moss covered forest. Trees are spaced wide enough to walk between easily, but tall and old enough to blot out daylight. Large stones, rocky hills, lichen and mushrooms.

1005 — Dark moss covered forest. Trees are spaced wide enough to walk between easily, but tall and old enough to blot out daylight. Large stones, rocky hills, lichen and mushrooms.

1105 — Muddy flatlands, with small streams dotting the landscape. Old standing stones.

1205 — Sandy brackish swampland. An unpleasant smell lingers in the air. The remains of a former long term communist camp can be found here, now inhabited by a colony of 2d6+2 Illuminators.

1305 — Muddy coastline. Shallow streams emerge from brackish swamp.

1405 — Open ocean.

1505 — Open ocean.

0106 — Mountains, densely forested and scattered with thorny plants. The wind sounds like it whispers to you.

0206 — Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.

0306 — Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.
Scholarly Seclusion.

0406 — The road winds through the hills. Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss, carpets of flowers, the wind.

0506 — Runalt’s Watchtower.

0606 – Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.

0706 — Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss, carpets of flowers, the wind.

0806 – Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss. The river runs winds between the hills.

0906 – Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss, carpets of flowers, the wind.
A Windmill.

1006 — Dark moss covered forest. Trees are spaced wide enough to walk between easily, but tall and old enough to blot out daylight. Large stones, rocky hills, lichen and mushrooms.

1106 — Muddy flatlands, with small streams dotting the landscape. Old standing stones.

1206 — Muddy flatlands, with small streams dotting the landscape. Old standing stones.

1306 — Sandy brackish swampland. An unpleasant smell lingers in the air. Detritus from Occult–Futurist incursions.

1406 – Muddy coastline. Shallow streams emerge from brackish swamp.

1506 — Open ocean. Occult-futurist ships patrol these waters.

0107 — Mountains, densely forested and scattered with thorny plants. The wind sounds like it whispers to you.

0207 — Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.

0307 — Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.

0407 — The road winds through the hills. Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss, carpets of flowers, the wind.

0507 – Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.

0607 — Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.

0707 — Winding river, grassy plain, popular for fishing. 2D6 denizens of 0807 can be found here fishing, swimming, or gathering water at any given time. Many well worn footpaths on the east side of the river, west side is craggy and hard to traverse.

0807 — The Valley Collaboration. Large encampment turned small city, within a set of old but still sturdy fortress walls. Nestled into the hills leading down into the river valley. A large population of royalists have taken their foothold here, and their various banners decorate many buildings.

0907 — Dark moss covered forest. Trees are spaced wide enough to walk between easily, but tall and old enough to blot out daylight. Large stones, rocky hills, lichen and mushrooms.

1007 – Dark moss covered forest. Trees are spaced wide enough to walk between easily, but tall and old enough to blot out daylight. Large stones, rocky hills, lichen and mushrooms.

1107 — Muddy flatlands, with small streams dotting the landscape. Old standing stones.

1207 — Sandy brackish swampland. An unpleasant smell lingers in the air. Detritus from Occult–Futurist incursions.

1307 — Sandy brackish swampland. An unpleasant smell lingers in the air. Detritus from Occult–Futurist incursions.

1407 — Large sandy peninsula. Current docking place of the Occult–Futurist grand war vessel, The Molars of Leviathan, the first and so far only grand war vessel to make landfall.

1507 – Open ocean. Occult-futurist ships patrol these waters.

0108 — Mountains, densely forested and scattered with thorny plants. The wind sounds like it whispers to you.

0208 — The Thicket Collaboration. Large encampment turned small city, within and just outside an old set of still sturdy fortress walls. An alliance between an anarchist veteran’s organization and a coalition of heretical cults expelled by the industrialists is the primary political force here, having ousted a royalist militia that used to hold sway.

0308 – The road stretches across the open heath. Campsites used by hunters and travelers from the nearby settlement dot the road.

0408 – The road winds through the hills. Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss, carpets of flowers, the wind.

0508 — The road winds through the hills. Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss, carpets of flowers, the wind.

0608 – The road winds through the hills. Heath dotted with hillsides of bare stone and moss, carpets of flowers, the wind.

0708 – The crossroads of the road and river. The still–sturdy bridge is from the time before the great plague. It has turned into a popular waystation and trading post.

0808 — The road winds its way through low hills. Subject to the watchful eyes of the nearby settlement, bandits, and the old armies fighting for The Sunlit Redoubt. 50% chance of any encounter being replaced with 2d4 revenants at night.

0908 – Grass-covered hills. Long destroyed earthworks. Trenches and tunnels concealed by long grass. 50% chance of any encounter being replaced with 2d4 revenants at night.

1008 – Mountains, lightly forested. Snow capped peaks. The remains of old stone walls.

1108 – Mountains, lightly forested. Snow capped peaks. The remains of old stone walls.

1208 — Mountains, lightly forested. Snow capped peaks. The remains of old stone walls.

1308 — An old temple sunk into the swamp. Occult–Futurists are seeking a way in.

1408 — Muddy coastline. Shallow streams emerge from brackish swamp.

1508 – Open ocean. Occult- futurist ships patrol these waters.

0109 — Mountains, densely forested and scattered with thorny plants. The wind sounds like it whispers to you.

0209 — Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.

0309 — Thorn bushes as tall as trees. Winding paths within them. A wide variety of bird life. The feeling of being watched.

0409 — Thorn bushes as tall as trees. Winding paths within them. A wide variety of bird life. The feeling of being watched.
The Necromancers.

0509 — Thorn bushes as tall as trees. Winding paths within them. A wide variety of bird life. The feeling of being watched.

0609 — The river passes through thorn bushes as tall as trees. The water is the easiest path through, as the winding paths through the thorn bushes are a struggle to navigate. A wide variety of bird life. The feeling of being watched.

0709 — This well–tread road passes through the plain in a fairly straight path. You can find the remains of wagons from long ago in the tall grass. Many contain ancient tools of war. 50% chance of any encounter being replaced with 2d4 revenants at night.

0809 – A war-struck outpost stands atop a high hill. Remains of long destroyed earthworks surround it. Anyone looking upon its broken tower when the sun rises immediately knows its title: The Sunlit Redoubt, though they also know that these words are a translation of an older language they do not know.

0909 – Ugly barren cliffs, hard to traverse. Innumerable old but strangely well preserved campsites dot the landscape, positioned to overlook the plains below. They belonged to an ancient army. Sometimes they still do. 50% chance of any encounter being replaced with 2d4 revenants at night.

1009 — Part of a ring of mountains cradling a huge crater–like lake. While there are a multitude of walkable paths here, it is avoided by both land animals and people who know what dwells here. Replace all land animal random encounters with 2d4 Crab Dogs.

1109 — Part of a ring of mountains cradling a huge crater–like lake. While there are a multitude of walkable paths here, it is avoided by both land animals and people who know what dwells here. Replace all land animal random encounters with 2d4 Crab Dogs.

1209 — Sandy brackish swampland. An unpleasant smell lingers in the air. Detritus from Occult–Futurist incursions.

1309 — Sandy brackish swampland. An unpleasant smell lingers in the air. Detritus from Occult–Futurist incursions.

1409 – Muddy coastline. Shallow streams emerge from brackish swamp.

1509 — Open ocean. Occult-Futurist ships patrol these waters.

0110 — Thorn bushes as tall as trees. Winding paths within them. A wide variety of bird life The feeling of being watched.

0210 — Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.

0310 — Dense trees and huge brambles, tangled together. Very difficult to pass through.
Turncoat’s Encampment.

0410 — Thorn bushes as tall as trees. Winding paths within them. A wide variety of bird life. The feeling of being watched.

0510 — River flowing through the grassy plains. Wind, birds. The occasional wreckage of canoes.

0610 — The road travels travels along an old cliffside, above the river. Trails lead down to the water. The industrialists uses this convenient location to keep a dedicated camp of 2d6 militia members and some boats.

0710 — The road here takes a wide berth around the remains of an old village in the plains, stone foundations and a few walls and towers overtaken by the flowing grass. Various groups of exiles and escapees have briefly inhabited these ruins, but all eventually move on.

0810 — This well-tread road leads towards the hills and mountains, though it abruptly swerves away. You can find the remains of wagons from long ago in the tall grass. Many contain ancient tools of war. 50% chance of any encounter being replaced with 2d4 revenants at night.

0910 – Ugly barren cliffs, hard to traverse. Innumerable old but strangely well preserved campsites dot the landscape, positioned to overlook the plains below. They belonged to an ancient army. Sometimes they still do. 50% chance of any encounter being replaced with 2d4 revenants at night.

1010 – Part of a ring of mountains cradling a huge crater-like lake. While there are a multitude of walkable paths here, it is avoided by both land animals and people who know what dwells here. Replace all land animal random encounters with 2d4 Crab Dogs.

1110 –A huge, clear, craterlike lake occupies this raised point between various mountain peaks. Pristine. Shallow enough that a significant amount of it is walkable. Near the middle there is an abrupt drop off into a deep ominous hole. Crab Dogs frolic on the shore and in the shallows. Replace all land animal random encounters with 2d4 Crab Dogs.

1210 — Part of a ring of mountains cradling a huge crater–like lake. While there are a multitude of walkable paths here, it is avoided by both land animals and people who know what dwells here. Replace all land animal random encounters with 2d4 Crab Dogs.

1310 — Sandy brackish swampland. An unpleasant smell lingers in the air. Detritus from Occult–Futurist incursions.

1410 – Muddy coastline. Shallow streams emerge from brackish swamp.

1510 – Open ocean. Occult-futurist ships patrol these waters.

0111 — The river twists and turns through a lightly wooded valley. This section is intensely cold, and ice forms along the shoreline year round. Large chunks of it, like small icebergs, drift downriver, though they rapidly melt.

0211 — The river twists and turns through a lightly wooded valley. Strange objects wash down it sometimes, their origin unknown. A brave few salvagers go this far upriver, but rumors of disappearances and strange things in the woodlands keep the majority away. Sometimes chunks of ice float downstream, rapidly melting in the relative warmth.

From this stretch of river, on a clear day, there is a 50% chance that a huge mountain is visible to the north. This mountain is not visible from any non–river squares, and if travelers approach it, there always comes a point where their line of sight is blocked and it vanishes.

0311 — The river twists and turns through a lightly wooded valley. Strange objects wash down it sometimes, their origin unknown. This section is where most of the salvagers spend their time, remote enough to not attract militia attention but not so far that they could easily become lost.
From this stretch of river, on a clear day, there is a 50% chance that a huge mountain is visible to the north. This mountain is not visible from any non–river squares, and if travelers approach it, there always comes a point where their line of sight is blocked and it vanishes.

0411 — The river twists and turns through a lightly wooded valley. Strange objects wash down it sometimes, their origin unknown. Dedicated groups of salvagers scour the river, so very few large or valuable objects make it this far downriver, but you can still find a variety of waterlogged detritus that shows signs of being worked – carved wooden toys, in particular.
From this stretch of river, on a clear day, there is a 50% chance that a huge mountain is visible to the north. This mountain is not visible from any non–river squares, and if travelers approach it, there always comes a point where their line of sight is blocked and it vanishes.

0511 – The path winds through the plains, towards the fort. Attempts to forge a more direct path have been frustrated by misfortune at every turn, so the militia have committed to using the existing one.

0611 — Grassy plain. Deer graze, wolves hunt, the wind blows. Slopes downward gently to the north towards the river valley.

0711 — The path cuts through a wide grassy plain. Cold, rolling hills sloping gently northwards, always exposed to the wind. Many birds.

0811 – Trees thin as you near the grasslands and mountains.

0911 – Craggy rocks and sheer cliffs. The foothills of the mountains that separate the near wilds from the coast.

1011 — Part of a ring of mountains cradling a huge crater–like lake. While there are a multitude of walkable paths here, it is avoided by both land animals and people who know what dwells here. Replace all land animal random encounters with 2d4 Crab Dogs.

1111 –Part of a ring of mountains cradling a huge crater–like lake. While there are a multitude of walkable paths here, it is avoided by both land animals and people who know what dwells here. Replace all land animal random encounters with 2d4 Crab Dogs.

1211 — Sandy brackish swampland. An unpleasant smell lingers in the air. Detritus from Occult-Futurist incursions. A prospector’s campsite.

1311 — Muddy coastline. Shallow streams emerge from brackish swamp.

1411 — Open ocean. Relatively shallow, many shipwrecks on concealed rocks.

1511 — Open ocean. Occult-futurist ships patrol these waters.

0112 — Swampland. Sunken logs, deep mud, channels of murky water coated in aquatic flowers.

0212 — a thick brambly maze. More solid ground than other parts of the swamp, used by warring anarchists and royalists to access the woods in 0213.

0312 — Swampland. Sunken logs, deep mud, channels of murky water coated in aquatic flowers.

0412 — Swampland. Sunken logs, deep mud, channels of murky water coated in aquatic flowers.

0512 — This section of the swamp is full of the detritus of attempted expansion by the militia. Unsalvageable swamped canoes, part–sunken buildings, and the personal effects of soldiers lost to the mud.

0612 – Fort Cygne.

0712 – Logging parties and foragers from the nearby fort are commonplace here.

0812 – Thick trees. The path is relatively clear here. Signs of recent use, tree limbs cut down to make the path more passable.

0912 — Thick trees. The path is relatively clear here. Signs of recent use, tree limbs cut down to make the path more passable.

1012 — Dense trees, but not impassable. Animal trails, tall ferns, lots of insect life.

1112 — Miles of thorny shrubs crowd out easy access to the coast. Navigable but mazelike. Pack animals hate it here.

1212 — The rough waters of this bay make for dangerous sailing. Seabirds nest on rocky cliffs. The Occult-Futurists have not risked bringing their water vessels here yet. The fishing is good.

1312 — Foundations of old houses dot this peninsula. A thriving community lived here, once.

1412 – The open water. Cold. Deep.

1512 — The open water. Cold. Deep.

0113 — Swampland. Sunken logs, deep mud, channels of murky water coated in aquatic flowers.

0213 — Wooded island in the midst of the swampland. Has been used as a hideout by both royalists and anarchists looking to steal from or strike at industrialist militiamen. They came to blows with each other, retreated, and now are cautiously determining the worth of retaking the area.

0313 — Swampland. Sunken logs, deep mud, channels of murky water coated in aquatic flowers.

0413 — Dense trees, swampy ground. Slippery mud. Frogs.
A Cruel Tomb.

0513 — Dense trees, but not impassable. Animal trails, tall ferns, lots of insect life.

0613 — Dense trees, but not impassable. Animal trails, tall ferns, lots of insect life.

0713 — Dense trees, but not impassable. Animal trails, tall ferns, lots of insect life.

0813 – Dense trees, but not impassable. Animal trails, tall ferns, lots of insect life.
Lair of Driftwood.

0913 — Well worn paths. Signs of old campsites. Bodies far enough from the wall that the militia doesn’t bother to remove them.

1013 — A pair of small rocky mountains. Enough militiamen have died or gone missing here that they avoid sending patrols this way. Royalists are the favorites to blame, but really the main culprit is the remnants of a Fire Cult and their inhuman assassins. Add 1d4+1 Adepts of the Flame to encounters, on a 21–30.

1113 — Dense trees, but not impassable. Animal trails, tall ferns, lots of insect life.

1213 — The rough waters of this bay make for dangerous sailing. Seabirds nest on rocky cliffs. The Occult-Futurists have not risked bringing their water vessels here yet. The fishing is good.

1313 — The rough waters of this bay make for dangerous sailing. Seabirds nest on rocky cliffs. The Occult-Futurists have not risked bringing their water vessels here yet. The fishing is good.

1413 — Rocky coastline, rough waters. An encampment of Devils has started a village here.

1513 — Open water. Cold. Deep.

0114 — Swampland. Sunken logs, deep mud, channels of murky water coated in aquatic flowers. The wall towers above. There are no ground level passageways into this section of the wall.

0214 — Swampland. Sunken logs, deep mud, channels of murky water coated in aquatic flowers. The wall towers above. There are no ground level passageways into this section of the wall.

0314 — Swampland. Sunken logs, deep mud, channels of murky water coated in aquatic flowers. The wall towers above. A massive rusted gate leads into the wall here. The swamp flows into it. It is unknown whether it leads to a passage all the way through, though a few daring groups have tried it. They haven’t been heard from since.

0414 — Rich forest that reaches relatively close to the wall makes this a popular area for occasional attempts to get back into the cities. The Village of Buckets.

0514 — Rich forest that reaches relatively close to the wall makes this a popular area for occasional attempts to get back into the cities.

0614 — Fields of tall grass. Constantly in motion from the wind. The wall towers above. There are no ground level passageways into this section of the wall.

0714 — Fields of tall grass. Constantly in motion from the wind. The wall towers above. There are no ground level passageways into this section of the wall.

0814 — The wall towers above. Guards patrol the top, but it’s too far up to see them. There are a few windows and passages that open into the wall. Very few of them are from parts of the structure that the guards have access to, and many are dead ends. Some go deeper.

0914 — The wall towers above. Guards patrol the top, but it’s too far up to see them. There are a few windows and passages that open into the wall. Very few of them are from parts of the structure that the guards have access to, and many are dead ends. Some go deeper.

1014 — The old gate into the wilds. Towering, ominous, and ancient, yet sturdy. Stained by birds and moss. Patrols of militiamen are always around, but stick close to the walls. Prisoners chosen from the overflow are released weekly. The ground is littered with trash, useless to or unwanted by the prisoners it was issued to, but would–be scavengers are too wary of the guards to linger long.
The wall itself contains mazes of old tunnels, not all well mapped. The industrialist guards stick to a few known to be safe, and use the most secure of these as prisons. You can’t hear what’s happening on the other side of the wall, but sometimes sounds emanate from within.

1114 — Miles of thorny shrubs crowd out easy access to the coast. Navigable but mazelike. Pack animals hate it here.

1214 – A grove of trees containing a transcendentalist enclave (small settlement). They use the inhospitable landscape around them to deter industrialist militiamen from getting closer, but are worried about the occult–futurists and their balloons. They want to help more of their own escape the cities.

1314 – Miles of thorny shrubs crowd out easy access to the coast. Navigable but mazelike. Pack animals hate it here.

1414 – Miles of thorny shrubs crowd out easy access to the coast. Navigable but mazelike. Pack animals hate it here.

1514 — Rocky coastline, rough waters.

Up next Things that are True about the Intruder King's Dogs
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