
Tunnelers entries 0104 through 0804

0104 — Timberland owned by the Howells-Rush Logging Company. Enough space to ride an ATV between the trees, though the especially damp and uneven ground makes this difficult. Ponds with bottom feeding fish and rough skinned newts occasionally connect to the nearby lake during floods.

0204 — West Dundarave Lake is popular for recreational fishing, whether from makeshift docks on the marshy shoreline or from small boats and canoes. Multiple enterprising locals make a quick buck by giving tours” of the castle, which can be seen pretty clearly from the lake. On most mornings, the Warmly Dressed Man (54, he/him) is on the lake in his canoe, holding a large thermos of coffee, wearing his wool cap with ear warmers, long blue scarf and matching mittens, and grey wool jacket. He is a CIA occultist who knows rituals to consult the dead and is stationed here to spy on Bruce McDiarmid. In his jacket is a silenced Beretta M9, and in the bottom of the canoe, a case holds a SR-25 rifle. McDiarmid knows he’s here, and he knows that McDiarmid knows. Locals know him by his false identity as Mr. Holt, though none know where he lives or sleeps, nor can they easily find out — he is beyond the need for sleep.

0304 — East Dundarave Lake, where it touches the town proper, is bordered by a poorly maintained park. When the weather isn’t disgusting, children love to swim in the shallows. No weather can stop the fishermen who line up on the shore, or who use the muddy boat launches to deliver their personal vessels to the water. Where the lake deepens, a place of power: swimmers find themselves drawn there, and more than one person has nearly drowned in another part of the lake to unexpectedly resurface here, saved by the ghosts of two lovers who drowned here long ago. These survivors find themselves dreaming of two grim-faced women dragging them through the frigid riverbed.

0404 — The businesses and government buildings of the town of Dundarave, Washington are packed in among residences.
City Hall is built in a historically important former banquet hall and theatre, and is ostentatious for having almost nobody in it at any given time. Mayor Henry Mccoy (he/him, 43) is nearly always out hiking.
The Dundarave Sheriff’s Office, used to a low energy existence of occasionally bothering local drug users and sending home teens caught drinking in the woods, is in consternation at the sudden influx of shovel-carrying weirdos from out of town. Sheriff Trent Woodward (he/him, 40) and his nephew and deputy Callum Woodward (he/him, 29) conspire overtime to determine exactly what these newcomers are up to – they suspect a terrorist conspiracy.
The Dundarave Public Library is small and understaffed. Head librarian Sheila Roberts (52, she/her) maintains a small exhibit on the indigenous Nooksack people and runs a meeting on Friday nights meant to allow indigenous (mostly Nooksack and other Salish tribal groups) locals a regular social function and access to various social resources.
Betsy’s Bucks is the most reputable hunting and shooting supply store in town, and Tabitha McKinnon (she/her, 35) knows the story behind every taxidermied animal within, most shot by her mother Betsy.

0504 — Dundarave for the common man. Apartments and cheap housing, the grimier of the two local gas stations, and the local family diner, The Woodchipper.
Treeline Motel is dirt cheap and serves as the base of the Tunneler influx, various shovel-bearers sharing rooms packed to the brim. Rich eccentric Pierre Coulton (he/they, 37, protogemetric on the forums) pays for rooms for those who can’t afford them, though he cant make it himself. Also staying here is the Nondescript Man (he/him, 31), one of several CIA occultists called in to address the surge in activity. He carries no weapons but his own judo training and knowledge of how to paralyze most living things with a drawn pattern.

0604 — Timberland owned by the Mckinnon Logging Company, with private land owned by the McKinnon Family along the gravel road. Sheryl McKinnon (she/her, 34) and her child Tim McKinnon Jr. (publically he/him, privately it/its, 16) live in an ostentatious and poorly designed mansion, avoiding each other. Tim Sr. (he/him, 40) is almost always away on business. The rest of the living McKinnon family live primarily in Seattle, but visit on holidays.
Tim Jr. sneaks out to visit the various haunts of its friends whenever possible. It is embarrassed to have them visit here.

0704 — Timberland owned by the Mckinnon Logging Company. Dense and hard to see through, with minimal room to operate vehicles outside of sparse logging roads. Blackberry bushes grow massive. Sparse properties scattered along the road, several owned by absent McKinnon family members. A werebat lurks in one of their abandoned barns: Tethys (they/she, 27) used to live in the abandoned church nearby, secretly watching over the goth teens, but fled when the Nameless Man arrived. The Nameless Man does not know about her.

0804 — Timberland owned by the Mckinnon Logging Company. Dense and hard to see through, with minimal room to operate vehicles outside of sparse logging roads. Large boulders and small ravines make for uneven terrain.

Up next MAILBOX – Tunneler’s Ritual Magic MAILBOX — Tunneler’s Ritual Magic Galgoa asked: “I’m really excited about the Tunnelers project! I’ve noticed the entries often mention rituals and Tunnelers Entries 0105 through 0805 0105 — Timberland owned by the Howells-Rush Logging Company. Enough space to ride an ATV between the trees
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