
Tunnelers entries 0102 through 0802

Content Warning for historical and contemporary white supremacism in the pacific northwest

0102 — On the north side of the road, timberland owned by the Howells-Rush Logging Company. On the south side, apple orchards owned by Bruce Mcdairmid. Trail cameras dot the apple trees. A number of locals who don’t work in the timber industry are employed tending the orchards, but they never get a chance to enter the grounds of their employer. The apples harvested are driven away in unmarked white trucks. Mcdairmid sells them to a nearby brewery he has invested in.

0202 — On the north side of the road, timberland owned by the Howells-Rush Logging Company. On the south side, apple orchards and the private driveway to Dundarave Castle. To reach the castle grounds, a visitor must pass through two security gates: one at the start of the road, another at the castles fenceline itself. Orchard workers have a parking lot available to them immediately after the first security gate.

0302 — Dundarave Bridge crosses over the river in state-managed wetland, home to a sizable beaver population. Fresh grafitti on the side of the bridge: YOU WILL NEVER KNOW PEACE spray painted in dark blue, obscuring older faded grafitti mostly consisting of names and rude phrases.

0402 — Grassy wetland along the highway. A few houses, notably the Kenney Home, purveyors of fresh fish and a secret bait recipe many locals swear by (10 dollars for a cup of the foul smelling paste). The Kenneys consist of the father Fred (47, he/him), mother Charlotte (47, she/her), twin sons James and Matthew (both 16, both he/him), and the secret thing that lives in their ever-flooded basement (approx 600, she/her), kept safe from prying eyes after being unearthed in exchange for the secret bait and fishing-favor (the whole family feels the call of the soil). The waterways are popular for fishing: every weekend, the Kenney family can be seen here enthusiastically catching and cleaning trout along the river, and 1d10 others will be similarly engaged (though always somewhat less successful).

0502 — Overgrown grassland, full of huge old stumps. It belongs to the McKinnon Logging Companyu but was never replanted after it was logged. 1-in-6 chance of d6 locals practicing shooting in the field.

0602 — Timberland owned by the McKinnon Logging Company. Dense and hard to see through. A rural gravel road leads up into the hills. Dotted with old homesteads, several abandoned. The home of Gregory Abbot (36, he/him) displays a hand drawn sign in the front yard: HIPPIES LEAVE.” The home of Martha (28, she/her) and Rebecca (31, she/her) Teague is covered in their complicated chainsaw art, old stumps turned into ornate animals.

0702 — A commune compound, inhabited by 16 members who broadly share a Hippie-Libertarian worldview and have chosen to opt out of society as much as they can. An american flag, a POW flag, and a Nuclear Disarmament peace sign flag fly above 30 small huts clustered around one larger building that serves as a grow operation. Goats and chickens wander, and various small areas are fenced off for crops, mostly potatoes. The compound boasted an additional 25 members as of ten years ago, but there was an exodus after it was revealed the site was atop a subterranean bunker built by white supremacists in the 70s. Douglas Sunflower (60, he/him), whose wealth bought the property, knew this and kept it secret from the rest. He refuses to entertain the idea that he could be following in the neonazi’s footsteps, based on his broadly appropriative spiritual practices taking from a variety of cultures. Most of the rest remaining agree with him, but Leo (26, he/him) and Caroline (24, she/her) Mayer hold active neonazi beliefs and hope to sieze the compound in the future — they have stockpiled several ArmaLite AR-15 rifles unbeknownst to the rest, in addition to the Browning A-5 shotgun that they are permitted by the commune. Caroline is additionally an occultist who knows the ritual to consecrate a weapon. The current youngest member of the commune, Rain (14, she/her for now but subject to change were she to learn more of the outside world), feels the call of the soil and wishes to leave. Local drug dealer Dennis Toole drives to the commune on Wednesdays to buy and trade other drugs for their homegrown weed.

0802 — Timberland owned by the McKinnon Logging Company. Dense and hard to see through, with minimal room to operate vehicles outside of sparse logging roads. Blackberry bushes grow massive.

Up next Tunnelers entries 0101 through 0501 0101 — Timberland owned by the Howells-Rush Logging Company. Enough space to ride an ATV between the trees, and Tunnelers entries 0303 through 0803 0303 — Upper Dundarave Lake is murky and choked with old logs and woodland debris. Fishermen avoid it. An Elder
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