
Tunnelers hexcrawl-in-progress entry: Dundarave 0203

An entry for a project I am currently working on: a Lowlife hexcrawl set in the rural PNW in the 00s, and heavily inspired by urbex-based found footage and horror media I enjoy.

0203 — Dundarave Castle, supposedly a perfect replica of the Scottish castle it and the town are named for, not that anyone is getting in to see. Owned by the phenomenally rich Bruce McDiarmid, whose family supposedly made it big gold prospecting before becoming investors in local logging industry. Mr. McDiarmid employs 10 on-site guards, none locals, all armed — all with pistols, knives, and batons, three with semi-automatic shotguns, two with scoped hunting rifles, one with a tactical crossbow, and one with a carefully maintained Beretta Modello 38 submachine gun that supposedly saw active use in WWII. The grounds are additionally surrounded by 15 foot tall fence topped with barbed wire, and concrete sunk 20 feet deep and inscribed with glyphs that shatter mundane mining equipment.
A lone groundskeeper, Adam Eddings, dresses in 16th century period garb and carries a bow. Rumor in town is that there is an entire family of staff in the castle who are also committed to this historical reenactment, or else that there used to be and Mr. McDiarmid lives in squalor despite his wealth. Both are partially right: McDiarmid, Eddings, and the security team are occultists, and have bound the ghosts of former family staff to his service.
The occultists are all familiar with rituals to converse with the dead, and to consecrate weapons. Eddings knows the locations all the local places of power.
Beneath the castle, a labyrinth.

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