
Play Report 32.1 — Some Ongoing Concerns

During what are looking to be some off-weeks for normal sessions, I’d like to cover some of the motion of the world in the campaign.

The Occult-Futurists at the Compass Rose:
As detailed in this report, the Occult-Futurists are trying to decipher the Compass Rose’s functions. A little more than the two weeks have passed, and Luisa has learned the spell Fire Form. She now understands the Magnetic North, True North, and Largest Open Flame arms. I roll to check if she understands the Rose’s use as a spell focus: a percentile roll of 60 on a 15% chance does not do it.
The remaining arms:
1 — Moon/Eldritch Darts
2 — Donkey Constellation/Implant Object
3 — Nearest Boat/Fiery Hands
4 — Buried Giant/Hammer of Doom
5 — Simurgh/Scented Wind
I roll a 2. This is one of the simpler ones, but relies on some specific cultural knowledge. I think it is within Luisa’s power to research but not know immediately, so I roll another d6: in three weeks time (2 weeks and a day from last session end) from the discovery of Fire Form, she will learn of the Donkey constellation, the spell Implant Object, and roll again with a 20% chance to understand the Compass Rose as a spell focus.

Matilde and Miss Marlowe:
A short follow up on this play report:
Miss Marlowe has returned to the crossroads and has used some of her resources to hire bodyguards. She is now accompanied at all times by nine mercenaries. I would like to write a post on mercenary companies at some point. Since she is suspicious of the Catagean Merchant-Industrialists, these mercenaries are from the Kingdoms of Law.
Matilde has successfully joined the bandits at the Lair of Driftwood. She goes by Alice among them.

Runalt is planning to send forth a new painting to create a new Nightmare Grove very soon. His last two being thwarted in rapid succession, he will send a Tomb Guardian to observe the next one. It will be in hex 0605: more isolated than the previous, but interestingly close to the Fire Cult Remnant and the Brother To The Stones.

The cats of the Spectre Protection and Manipulation Agency:
Almuund’s cult has had a foothold in the Thickets Collaboration for a while now, and I think that some official expansion of the business is in order. Almuund’s colleague Nougat is still suffering under a nightmare curse, but the care of Dr. Platt combined with bringing in notable artifacts to the Agency means that his position has been cemented as a valuable asset. Several new cats have arrived to provide assistance and work under their supervision, and Dr. Platt’s retainer fee is being put down as a company expense. The cat people are ingratiating themselves into the collaboration slowly — their profit driven outlook meshes poorly with many of the anarchists, but the novelty of their feline form to the humans, a genuine expertise on the dangers of hauntings, and the crafting of some market-based-freedom rhetoric has gotten them various in-roads socially.

Up next Play Report 32 – Basement Freaks Play Report 33 – Workshop
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