
About Me

Hi yall. My name is Moose, or Erasmus. I use they/them or luc/luc pronouns. (luc is pronounced like loose,” think of words like lucid, translucent)

I wanted a place to collect disparate thoughts on tabletop rpgs that would otherwise fall by the wayside or end up lost in physical notebooks, deep in discord chats, or in note taking apps on my phone that I straight up forget exist. Thus, this blog was born.

I’ve been playing tabletop games since about 2007, starting with a bizarre facsimile of DnD 3.5e played in the woods in the dark using several books that somebody was carrying around which mostly seemed to be prestige class options, where we gave up on the dice and turned to a resolution system of guessing a number between one and ten. It was weird but evidently fun enough to keep my attention. I then got into 4e and played that for a while as a teen, fell off of tabletop for a bit, and then rediscovered a broader set of games as an adult. My interests nowadays are in experiencing as broad a variety of games as I can, though I think a certain subset of OSR-adjacent stuff tends to get my most attention.

The name of the blog is a play on The Ignorant Schoolmaster, a book by Jacques Rancière. You should read it. It’s good.

I dearly love the friends who make up my home game playgroup. If any of yall are here reading this, shoutouts to you <3.

Some games that have been formative to my tastes and ideas are:
The Nightmares Underneath
Iron and Lies
Troika! Numinous Edition