
0101 — The Compass Rose

A huge concave disc of metal, nearly a mile in diameter, is embedded in the ground. The forest surrounds it and shows no signs of being cleared or pruned, but no branches or vegetation grow over it. During inclement weather, the sky immediately over the disc remains clear of rain, clouds, or snow. Water does not pool on the disc, and leaf litter does not fall on its surface — it can always be seen from above.

When seen from above, it is obviously a huge and complicated compass. The edges are scored with degrees, and from the center rises a column to which are attached a number of metal arms, able to spin. Each arm follows a different phenomenon, and is etched with archaic writing and designs related to this. Successfully determining what an arm follows will also reveal a spell formula within the etchings. This can be done through extensive study, but guesswork will also reveal the spell.

The arms and spell formulae are as follows:

Magnetic North — an iron arm, free of rust, barely adorned. Contains the spell Detect Evil.

True North — nearly identical to the Magnetic North arm. Contains the spell Cause Disease.

The Moon — this arm is bronze, and polished to a mirror sheen. Contains the spell Eldritch Darts.

The largest open flame in the wilds — a matte black arm with sharp edges. Contains the spell Fire Form.

A constellation important to Catagean folk religion, called The Donkey – a silver arm, short with a small globe map depicting an unfamiliar geography on the end. Contains the spell Implant Object.

The nearest boat (reasonably likely to be the River Temple) — a golden arm, scored with the marks of being struck many times. Contains the spell Fiery Hands.

The buried metal giant in Firmament 0203 — a grey and white arm with a rubbery coating around a steel core. If damaged, it regrows its rubber with visible scarification. Contains the spell Hammer of Doom.

The Simurgh — an arm of ivory, carved with spiraling patterns. Contains the spell Scented Wind.

The compass rose also serves as a focus of magical power. A dedicated practitioner may use it to cast a spell they know, in a time frame of one year per spell level, that effects the whole of the wilds. This time may be lowered at great cost.

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