
Gardens 0506 — Runalt’s Castle

The castle of Runalt sits atop a vast ornate root mass, its watchtower vanishing into the cave ceiling. The roots are thin and intricately braided, forming a hill to support the building above. The smell of paint thinner wafts from the building, and many of the roots in close proximity to the castle are visibly withered and sickly. An oppressive sense of unease emanates from the castle, which even in the dark can be seen as though silhouetted.

This castle is The Black Manse by Micah Anderson, with some edits of my own to fit the setting. The main gate to the courtyard is accessible from this hex.

Up next Gardens 0806 – Satyr Garden Heart Gardens 0806 — Satyr Garden Heart The satyr’s gardens are full of vertical stone pillars, and here they are larger, more organic and branching, Play Report 34 – Orb Incident
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