
0604 — Fire Cult Remnant Temple

An old mountain fort, consisting of a single two-story building within a brickwork wall. In the courtyard, a great fire is permanently lit. 3d4+1 Adepts of the Flame dwell here at all times, though the nightmare that produces them is hidden elsewhere. The path to the temple is deliberately precarious — the adepts want no visitors, and trust their own members who venture into the world to navigate the cliff faces safely.

The fire cult are believers in the inevitability of cyclical violence, and so propagate it. Great works are hubris to be punished, the humble must be pushed to great works worth punishment, and so the world continues. This also lets them explain away their own fall from grace in the kingdom of law — simply accepting their own form of justice as being enacted against themselves, a sign their work is in fact just. With time they aim to put the world in a state of permanent self-immolation, powerful structures rising high in an instant to serve as fuel for an ever consuming fire that provokes further creation of fuel, a harmonious eternal fire driving the world in full to its final state.

The fire cult assassins prey upon Occult-Futurist and Merchant-Industrialist patrols, and carefully watch the transcendentalists, anarchists, and rittersnake fortress at 0603 for signs that they need cutting down to size.

There are doctrinal and iconographic similarities to the Stokers of the Hearth-Firmament, but the schism was long enough ago that few from either group remember the other.

Treasure as temple 2 (&treasure):
4000 coins
380 coins in trade goods: blessed water (2 vials, 100C), ambergris (1 vial, 150C), perfumes (1 vial, 100C), wine (2 bottles, 20C)
Artifacts: Falcon Hood, Ivory Miniature

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