
Tunnelers entries 0303 through 0803

0303 — Upper Dundarave Lake is murky and choked with old logs and woodland debris. Fishermen avoid it. An Elder Lichen grows on a large rock in the midst of the mess. At night, there is a 1-in-6 chance that one of the Dundarave Castle occultists are visiting it.

0403 — Grassland owned by the Howell family, where their cows graze. A small trailer park along the road is home to many out-of-town or new-to-town workers.

0503 — Grassland. Faded political signs are posted at the corners where roads fork away. A single billboard advertises the local pizza place: a cartoon anthropomorphized pizza slice smiles and says Kids love a slice from Bradley’s! Pepper-only a short drive away!”

0603 — Overgrown grassland, full of huge old stumps. It belongs to the McKinnon Logging Companyu but was never replanted after it was logged. The road turns from pavement to gravel where it forks here. Homes with trees in their yards break up the grassy monotony. Of note is the home of Claire (35, she/her) and Jalen (35, he/him) Wood and their child Malachi (6, he/him). Claire has a reputation for her excellent car repair skills, and is responsible for many local teens having working vehicles. Jalen works for McKinnon Logging.

0703 — Timberland owned by the McKinnon Logging Company. Dense and hard to see through, with minimal room to operate vehicles outside of sparse logging roads. Blackberry bushes grow massive.

0803 — An old decaying church and graveyard sit among the trees, a place of ritual power. This was a favorite haunt of local goth teens until the Nameless Man (40, he/him, gravesorcerer1975 on the tunneler forums and chatrooms) appeared in it last year, frightening them off. The Nameless Man wears an oversized and muddied black naval greatcoat and weilds a pickaxe, a shovel, a Colt Diamondback revolver with inscrutible etchings covering it, and has 40 sticks of dynamite stashed in the church. He knows the rituals to create a charm of protection and to bind an oath. He would take his name back from beneath Dundarave Castle, and plans his siege.

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