
Gardens 0309 — A Captive Author

A small camp nestled among the tree roots. It has two residents: Marduk (he/him) is chained to a root by his ankles, and Nisbet (they/them) has the key. A large glass jar of glowworms lights the center of the camp, and can be dimmed by casting a wool blanket over it.

Marduk’s side of the camp has been cleared of any rocks, wood, or other detritus that might be used as a weapon. He sleeps on a woolen rug and use what was once a fine cloak (now showing signs of having been mended) as a blanket. The chains let him walk 10 feet in any direction from the root they are looped around, not quite far enough to reach the glowworm jar. He wears a simple cotton shirt and pants befitting a monk. He was sent to Catage from the Kingdoms of Law to instruct new scholars of law, but found himself dragged away into the Gardens.
Marduk is a level 3 lawful scholar. He is tired, sad, and hungry, and only rolls one hit die for disposition.
CHA 17, DEX 13, FER 9, HTH 9, INT 9, WIL 9
He knows how to cast The Power of Law, The Law of The Land, Holy Water. All are currently corrupted.

Nisbet’s side of the camp has a collapsible cot (with no blankets or pillows), food and water to last the two for five more weeks, a small wooden folding table, a telescope, a spear, an unadorned staff, a shortbow and 20 arrows, food for the glowworms for 2 more weeks, a locked box containing a promissory note from Catage for 2000 coins, four changes of clothes for Marduk, and 10 notebooks on interpretation of the Law written by Marduk (all very orthodox). Nisbet themself wears only a long unadorned black skirt, and a silvered dagger on their belt. They were a member of Marduk’s bodyguards under a different name, and during a tour of the wall seized an opportunity to vanish with their former master into the labyrinthine depths.
Nisbet is a level 3 evil assassin of the Flickering Shadows.
CHA 10, DEX 10, FER 12, HTH 8, INT 6, WIL 9

Nisbet believes that with the right ritual preparation, the death of a person may also lead to the death of all that they wrote. Marduk is the unfortunate test case for their newest ideas, which will not work.

Up next Play Report 33 – Workshop Gardens 0806 – Satyr Garden Heart Gardens 0806 — Satyr Garden Heart The satyr’s gardens are full of vertical stone pillars, and here they are larger, more organic and branching,
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