
Gardens 0603 — Subterranean Tidepools

The physically lowest point in the satyrs domain, the caverns here are dotted with shallow pools of water. 2D20 satyrs are here on any given day, collecting water, bathing, and washing clothes in the pools. While many of the pools are fed by the streams that wander through the Satyr’s caves, a number of them collect in outcroppings on high walls.

From the cave ceiling emerges a massive stone pipe. Every week, there is a 1-in-4 chance that it pours a stream of water, causing flash flooding and turning the lower pools into one massive lake. Over the course of one week without flooding, the water returns to its usual levels. The interior of the pipe contains a spiral staircase flipped in orientation: the top a smooth slide, the stairs on the bottom. Finding a way to orient ones self to walk upon the stairs allows one to descend from the gardens to the surface world, emerging in the Rittersnake’s Dam in 0603.

In one of the highest pools, concealed in sand and gravel, sits the magic ring The Cocoon Meteoric. A thick band of dull grey metal, it has a melted and pitted exterior but a smooth interior. The wearer may twist the ring upon their hand to receive a vision of their location from above, as though by something high in the sky of the surface world – this does not pierce weather or solid objects (using it in the gardens will show the wilderness above), but may ignore the low-hanging firmament and anything standing or built upon it.

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