
Tunnelers entries 0101 through 0501

0101 — Timberland owned by the Howells-Rush Logging Company. Enough space to ride an ATV between the trees, and a few small logging roads that can accommodate larger vehicles entering and leaving to the south and east. Abundant wild huckleberries.

0201 — Timberland owned by the Howells-Rush Logging Company. Enough space to ride an ATV between the trees, and a few small logging roads that can accommodate larger vehicles entering and leaving to the south and west. Dennis Toole (31, he/him), a local drug dealer, drives his truck here on the first Saturday of each month to buy product (mostly cocaine, sometimes LSD or heroin) from Natalia (39, she/her) and Aaron (35, he/him) Grieves, who smuggle it from upriver. Dennis is armed with a mall karambit and a poorly maintained break action shotgun kept in his truck. Natalia is armed with a switchblade knife and silenced mp5 submachine gun on her person and an AWM sniper rifle kept on Aaron’s ATV. Aaron claims to be a pacifist and carries no weapons, but will run people over with his ATV if panicked.

0301 — Timberland owned by the Howells-Rush Logging Company. Enough space to ride an ATV between the trees. A herd of deer bed here. Abundant wild huckleberries and woodsorrel.

0401 — Timberland owned by the Howells-Rush Logging Company. An ancient rusted logging winch embedded in a hill marks the location of Natalia and Aaron Grieves’s campsite, used when they are in the area. When they are present, a military surplus tent is set up and their ATV parked nearby, and the old logging winch itself is used to conceal packages of cocaine, LSD, heroin, PCP, and ecstasy. A faint trail to the east can be tracked to their concealed boat. The local deer herd travels through here regularly.
The logging winch marks a place of power, left deliberately as a marker of an old sacrifice disguised as a dreadful work accident.

0501 — The highway and river travel parallel through a buffer of state-managed forested wetland between timber company holdings, and a few residences dot the woods on the highways east side. Of note is the large homestead of Octavia Howell (25, she/her), one of the heirs to the Howell timber fortune. She is a self declared hippie spiritualist at odds with her family. She keeps chickens and goats. Natalia and Aaron Grieves pay her house calls to sell LSD and ecstasy to her and her friends.

Up next Tunnelers hexcrawl-in-progress entry Dundarave 0203 Tunnelers hexcrawl-in-progress entry: Dundarave 0203 An entry for a project I am currently working on: a Lowlife hexcrawl set in the rural PNW in Tunnelers entries 0102 through 0802 Content Warning for historical and contemporary white supremacism in the pacific northwest 0102 — On the north
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