
The Gardens Below Hex Map and Keys

Hexcrawling rules can be found here.
The initial idea for the Gardens Below can be found here.
The contents of blank hexes (for example 0101) are Deserted Gardens. Sometimes a permanent landmark will be listed alongside a deserted garden. If the garden changes in the players absence, the landmark remains.
Finding a safe route from a tended garden to a deserted garden takes an 8 hour exploration. Faster entry may be made but it will be necessarily more dangerous and disorienting.
Seafloor simulacrum hexes (for example 1401) that are not blocked from above can be left by nearing the surface of the water, inverting ones self, and falling” through. If a being does this, they are deposited in the equivalent ocean hex in the overworld. Entering the gardens from an ocean hex may similarly be done, with significant ritual preparation, by creating a ladder or similar structure that allows one to climb” headfirst into the water to touch the seafloor.
The Seafloor simulacrums abide by the day/night cycle, though in greyscale. Otherwise, light sources present in the gardens are noted in the hexes they appear in. If none are noted, there is no light naturally occurring and the players must provide their own.

This is a work in progress and individual hexes will be updated as needed to have greater detail or to link to discrete hex entry pages. Annotations show many of the places where I plan to do this.

0101 — Deserted Gardens.

0201 — Deserted Gardens.

0301 — Deserted Gardens.

0401 — Deserted Gardens.

0501 — Deserted Gardens.

0601 — Deserted Gardens.

0701 — Deserted Gardens.

0801 — Deserted Gardens.

0901 — Deserted Gardens.

1001 — Deserted Gardens.

1101 — Deserted Gardens.

1201 — Deserted Gardens.

1301 — Deserted Gardens. The smell of the sea encroaches.

1401 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1501 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0102 — Deserted Gardens.

0202 — Deserted Gardens.

0302 — Deserted Gardens.

0402 — Deserted Gardens.

0502 — Deserted Gardens.

0602 — Deserted Gardens.

0702 — Deserted Gardens.

0802 — Deserted Gardens.

0902 — Deserted Gardens.

1002 — Deserted Gardens.

1102 — Deserted Gardens.

1202 — Deserted Gardens.

1302 — Deserted Gardens. The smell of the sea encroaches.

1402 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1502 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0103 — Deserted Gardens.

0203 — Deserted Gardens.

0303 — Deserted Gardens.

0403 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not. A satyr kink community.

0503 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

0603 — Subterranean Tidepools.

0703 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

0803 — Deserted Gardens.

0903 — Deserted Gardens.

1003 — Deserted Gardens.

1103 — Deserted Gardens.

1203 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1303 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1403 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1503 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0104 — Deserted Gardens.

0204 — Deserted Gardens.

0304 — Deserted Gardens.

0404 — Deserted Gardens.

0504 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

0604 — Deserted Gardens. Glow worms have moved here in great quantity.

0704 — Deserted Gardens. Glow worms have moved here in great quantity.

0804 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

0904 — Once this was more of the Satyr’s domain, but it has suffered some sort of disaster. The stone pillars are shattered into hard to traverse rubble, the moss has dried up, and the glow worms have fled.

1004 — An indistinct tunnel down which wind/water howls, always blowing eastward. The air is cloudy with indistinct dust. The tunnel is cut off from the rest of the gardens: travelers can only go east or west until they enter a non-tunnel hex. Travel west is impeded as though by harsh weather. A being that sleeps for a night in the tunnel will awaken one hex east of where they camped (in this case, in the continued tunnel of 1104). Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1104 — An indistinct tunnel down which wind howls, always blowing eastward. The air is cloudy with indistinct dust. The tunnel is cut off from the rest of the gardens: travelers can only go east or west until they enter a non-tunnel hex. Travel west is impeded as though by harsh weather. A being that sleeps for a night in the tunnel will awaken one hex east of where they camped (in this case, deposited in the churning sands of 1204). Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1204 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1304 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1404 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.
Brine Eaten Cathedral, the Lair of Chorda.

1504 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0105 — Deserted Gardens.

0205 — Deserted Gardens.

0305 — Deserted Gardens.

0405 — Deserted Gardens.

0505 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. The Satyrs have built fortifications here, an oddity for them. 1D100 of their number may be found here at any time, tying tripwires between pillars, crafting shields, knives, and clubs of strange metals, and watching the south. They guard against incursion from 0506.

0605 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

0705 — Deserted Gardens. Glow worms have moved here in great quantity.

0805 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

0905 — Deserted Gardens.

1005 — Deserted Gardens.

1105 — Deserted Gardens.

1205 — Deserted Gardens.

1305 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1405 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1505 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0106 — Deserted Gardens.

0206 — Deserted Gardens.

0306 — Deserted Gardens.

0406 — Deserted Gardens.

0506 — The castle of Runalt sits atop an ornate root mass.

0606 — Deserted Gardens.

0706 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

0806 — The stone pillars of this place are larger and more organic in form than other parts of the satyr’s holdings, forming a great tangled and multi-leveled chamber that serves as the center of their population and a mythical origin of their garden work.

0906 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

1006 — Deserted Gardens.

1106 — Deserted Gardens.

1206 — Deserted Gardens.

1306 — Deserted Gardens.

1406 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1506 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0107 — Deserted Gardens.

0207 — Deserted Gardens.

0307 — Deserted Gardens.

0407 — Ornate roots snake their way south and downwards, forming paths and walls. At this elevation and below, the ceiling is too far to be seen without a bright light source. A stone dome emerges from the roots.

0507 — Deserted Gardens.

0607 — Deserted Gardens.

0707 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

0807 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

0907 — Deserted Gardens.

1007 — Deserted Gardens.

1107 — Deserted Gardens.

1207 — Deserted Gardens.

1307 — Deserted Gardens.

1407 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1507 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0108 — Deserted Gardens.

0208 — Deserted Gardens.

0308 — Deserted Gardens.

0408 — Small ornately braided roots join together into larger, craggier, and less ornate root masses. They snake downwards and north over rich black soil. The cavern ceiling is too far to be seen even with a light source.

0508 — Deserted Gardens.

0608 — Deserted Gardens.

0708 — Deserted Gardens.

0808 — Deserted Gardens.

0908 — Wide caves with a thick carpet of soft moss coating their floors, dotted by stone pillars that stretch from floor to ceiling. Cold clear streams snake across the landscape, and strange fruit trees grow along their banks, something like a pomegranate. Glow worms dot the ceilings in great quantity, looking like a night sky in motion and casting a dim light across the landscape. Satyrs frolic here, and their music and conversation lingers even when they do not.

1008 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1108 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1208 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1308 — Deserted Gardens.

1408 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1508 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0109 — Deserted Gardens.

0209 — Deserted Gardens.

0309 — Huge twisting roots wind downwards and south along a steep loamy hillside, forming a series of precarious ledges. A campsite.

0409 — Huge twisting roots wind downwards and south along a steep loamy hillside, forming a series of precarious ledges.

0509 — Deserted Gardens.

0609 — A harsh mountain slope, covered in crags, gravel, and collapsing shale. Snow lies on the ground, thicker the further down towards the vast pit’s center, giving off a blinding light as though reflecting the sun.

0709 — A harsh mountain slope, covered in crags, gravel, and collapsing shale. Snow lies on the ground, thicker the further down towards the vast pit’s center, giving off a blinding light as though reflecting the sun.

0809 — Deserted Gardens.

0909 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1009 — A flat and shallow pool of alien liquids, slightly luminescent. Crab dogs sleep and play in the unearthly bluish glow. A student of the Intruder meditates in the pools.

1109 — A flat and shallow pool of alien liquids, slightly luminescent. Crab dogs sleep and play in the unearthly bluish glow.

1209 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1309 — Deserted Gardens.

1409 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1509 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0110 — Deserted Gardens.

0210 — Deserted Gardens.

0310 — Huge twisting roots wind downwards and south along a steep loamy hillside, forming a series of precarious ledges.

0410 — A monolithic tangle of roots, rising above the rest of the landscape, up to the roof of the gardens. There are pathways hidden here that connect to the thickets above. Birds from the surface world make their way down here to nest, and the wind of the surface blowing over holes in the earth that lead here creates sounds like a great distant musical instrument.

0510 — Huge twisting roots wind downwards and south along a steep loamy hillside, forming a series of precarious ledges.

0610 — A harsh mountain slope, covered in crags, gravel, and collapsing shale. Snow lies on the ground, thicker the further down towards the vast pit’s center, giving off a blinding light as though reflecting the sun. A single well maintained road with many switchbacks emerges from the rootmass of 0510 and gives a relatively safe route to 0710.

0710 — The bottom of a pit, shaped like the imprint of the peak of a mountain. Covered in snow, with deep cracks and crevasses hiding volcanic activity within. A city, empty of physical inhabitants but operated by automatic processes, sits here and maintains itself for any who might stumble their way in.

0810 — A harsh mountain slope, covered in crags, gravel, and collapsing shale. Snow lies on the ground, thicker the further down towards the vast pit’s center, giving off a blinding light as though reflecting the sun.

0910 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1010 — A flat and shallow pool of alien liquids, slightly luminescent. Crab dogs sleep and play in the unearthly bluish glow.

1110 — 
A pool of alien liquids, the bottom of which forms a massive bowl. A huge tube of the same black material as the floor and walls has been lowered into the center and itself filled with liquid, so that it can be used as a fluid-based elevator. Crab dogs

1210 — A flat and shallow pool of alien liquids, slightly luminescent. Crab dogs sleep and play in the unearthly bluish glow.

1310 — A smooth solid unbroken black wall.

1410 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1510 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0111 — Deserted Gardens. Crumpled paper scraps with graphite smudges can be found here.

0211 — Hills of shale, rising southward, coated in a papery substance. Topological lines are drawn directly on, and smear easily. Travelers pick up smudges of graphite dust as they climb.

0311 — Hills of shale, rising southward, coated in a papery substance. Topological lines are drawn directly on, and smear easily. Travelers pick up smudges of graphite dust as they climb.

0411 — Deserted Gardens. Crumpled paper scraps with graphite smudges can be found here.

0511 — Deserted Gardens.

0611 — A harsh mountain slope, covered in crags, gravel, and collapsing shale. Snow lies on the ground, thicker the further down towards the vast pit’s center, giving off a blinding light as though reflecting the sun.

0711 — A harsh mountain slope, covered in crags, gravel, and collapsing shale. Snow lies on the ground, thicker the further down towards the vast pit’s center, giving off a blinding light as though reflecting the sun. An old abandoned monastery sits at the cavern’s edge, above the snowline.

0811 — Deserted Gardens.

0911 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1011 — A flat and shallow pool of alien liquids, slightly luminescent. Crab dogs sleep and play in the unearthly bluish glow. Seawater flows into the pool from the south, making for mesmerising swirls of luminscence, but it does not flood.

1111 — A flat and shallow pool of alien liquids, slightly luminescent. Crab dogs sleep and play in the unearthly bluish glow.

1211 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1311 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before. A small village has formed against the wall in of the megastructure. Its residents try to mine the pitch black material, with no success.

1411 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1511 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0112 — Deserted Gardens. Crumpled paper scraps with graphite smudges can be found here.

0212 — Huge mounds of easily broken paper, rising to the south like hills. Resembles the material of a wasps nest. Graphite lines are drawn onto them, highlighting the contours of the hills and giving an unreal quality to the landscape. Digging far enough into the papery layers reveals loose shale.

0312 — Huge mounds of easily broken paper, rising to the south like hills. Resembles the material of a wasps nest. Graphite lines are drawn onto them, highlighting the contours of the hills and giving an unreal quality to the landscape. Digging far enough into the papery layers reveals loose shale.

0412 — Huge mounds of easily broken paper, rising to the south like hills. Resembles the material of a wasps nest. Graphite lines are drawn onto them, highlighting the contours of the hills and giving an unreal quality to the landscape. Digging far enough into the papery layers reveals loose shale.

0512 — Deserted Gardens. Crumpled paper scraps with graphite smudges can be found here.

0612 — Deserted Gardens.

0712 — Deserted Gardens.

0812 — Deserted Gardens.

0912 — Deserted Gardens.

1012 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1112 — A smooth and unbroken black wall fills the entire space. Impassable and cannot be entered.

1212 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before. Luminescent liquid from 1111 floats in from the north, providing light. Chunks of perfectly black debris litter the seafloor, where the wall that was once here was torn away by some massive force. Has a cavern roof above, cannot leave via surfacing.

1312 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1412 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1512 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0113 — Deserted Gardens. Crumpled paper scraps with graphite smudges can be found here.

0213 — Huge mounds of easily broken paper, rising to the south like hills. Resembles the material of a wasps nest. Graphite lines are drawn onto them, highlighting the contours of the hills and giving an unreal quality to the landscape. Digging far enough into the papery layers reveals loose shale.

0313 — Huge mounds of easily broken paper, rising to the south like hills. Resembles the material of a wasps nest. Graphite lines are drawn onto them, highlighting the contours of the hills and giving an unreal quality to the landscape. Digging far enough into the papery layers reveals loose shale.

0413 — Deserted Gardens. Crumpled paper scraps with graphite smudges can be found here.

0513 — Deserted Gardens.

0613 — Deserted Gardens.

0713 — Deserted Gardens.

0813 — Deserted Gardens.

0913 — Deserted Gardens.

1013 — Deserted Gardens.

1113 — Deserted Gardens.

1213 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1313 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1413 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

1513 — A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before.

0114 — Deserted Gardens.

0214 — Deserted Gardens. Crumpled paper scraps with graphite smudges can be found here. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

0314 — A cave entirely filled by a huge paper wasp nest structure, its contours sharpened by easily-smudged graphite. Clings to the Wall of Catage. An ancient balcony opens from the wall into the nest.

0414 — Deserted Gardens. Crumpled paper scraps with graphite smudges can be found here. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

0514 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

0614 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

0714 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

0814 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

0914 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

1014 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

1114 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

1214 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

1314 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

1414 — Deserted Gardens. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

1514 — 
A simulacrum of the seafloor. Creatures of the land can breath and move as though they are on dry land, creatures of the sea can breathe and swim as though they are submerged. Amphibious beings experience both simultaneously, which can be overwhelming to those who have not experienced it before. To the south, the Wall of Catage looms.

The extremely good hex kit assets I used for this map can be found at:

Up next Gardens, Deserted or Fallow Like any garden, the Gardens Below become overgrown without a caretaker. Plots that take careful maintenance are choked TNU Play Report 10 - Smugglers
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