
Gardens 0314 — The Prophet’s Balcony

Within the cave sits another cave: a cathedral-like papery wasp nest, its entrance the size of a castle gate. Inside, it splits into three passageways: two lead to dark maze-like warrens for the wasps and their riders to rest in, and the central path leads to the balcony.

The nest is built directly against the Wall of Catage, around an ornate balcony that sits 30 feet up from the nest’s floor. The room is kept illuminated by glowworms that the wasp riders regularly steal from the Satyr caves to the north. The balcony is constructed of the same monolithic slabs of matte black stone with simple designs on the edges as the rest of the wall, and kept clean of dust and debris.

There is a 50% chance that the Wall Prophet is here. If present, she sits atop her balcony on her cart towed by 3d4 other long forgotten prisoners of the wall. The wasps and riders regard her as holy, and consult her knowledge supplement their own discoveries, as they try to make sense of the world absent the orders of the wizard that created them. 2d10 are present around the balcony, though they will not climb or stand upon it.

The Prophet cannot live where her cart cannot carry her, and her long term aim is to encourage any who listen to her to prepare the outside world to be accommodating to her needs, so that she may one day emerge from the wall when it at last opens all its doors and windows and frees all detainees within. She struggles to say when this will be, or determine what instructions she has given to who on the matter: times she has experienced and times that she has foretold run together in her mind and it is a difficult task to determine which is which. The wasps and riders are devoted to this work, but not adept at it.

In appearance (a multi-headed tendril-laden purple serpent or worm like torso with a fragile pair of limbs, looming over a set of frail human legs that lie on a wooden cart pulled by attendants) and stats, the Wall Prophet is identical to The Dragonseer from Only Monsters Here, though she is a Dweller In the Deep rather than a Mutant, the purple crystals should be made into some other source of power, the room creation rules would only apply to a venture into the wall itself, and her attendants are a mix of humans and beastlings rather than goblins (though may otherwise share statistics with the goblins in the same book).

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