
Gardens 1311 — Megastructure Mining Town

Among the wealthy Merchant-Industrialists, paying exiles to act as eyes and ears in the wilds is a common practice. As a result, a select few have learned of the Gardens, and the things buried therein. Elodie Clement (she/her), owner of the majority of mining operations in post-revolution Catage, was delighted to hear of the alien megastructure below the wilds and funded a secret expedition to descend into the sea and extract the pitch black material that makes up its walls. This venture has been a resounding failure and left everyone involved miserable and angry at each other.

The buildings sit on the seafloor simulacrum and look less well kept with each passing day. Anselm Clement (he/him), a once-favored nephew of Elodie, ostensibly acts as the governor of the population but is increasingly resented by both the workforce, his fellow managerial class, and his aunt. In the town of 51, The workers (35 in total) sit restless after numerous failed attempts to break the material of the structure, while the 8 thaumaturgists assigned to the task of discovering esoteric techniques to extract the stuff are harangued and berated by a furious Anselm and his 7 bodyguards.

Economically functions as a village by the standards of TNU. The thaumaturgists are willing, even eager, to advise anyone besides Anselm on magical matters.

Some notable denizens and locations:

Olympus Grant (he/him) has the dubious privilege of running the under-stocked company store in the town. He tries his hardest to impress upon his fellow workers that he didn’t really ask for the job and that they shouldn’t resent him for it, as the social standing it grants is minor. He does relish the chance to siphon a few luxuries out of every shipment, though.

The thaumaturgist barracks are a crowded laboratory that smells bad. The workers originally resented the thaumaturgists for having more space per person, but everyone involved rapidly learned that the insufficient working environment for alchemical study and practice made for miserable living conditions. One thaumaturgist, Beatris (she/her), keeps a secret stash of goods under the barracks for Radek in 1009. She dips into the money occasionally to give little bribes to her compatriots, so that they will ignore that she routinely works on personal projects rather than the task assigned to the thaumaturgists. The others think her money comes from Anselm and gossip among themselves about how she must have caught his romantic interest.

Radek’s Stash (as Magic User 1, &treasure)
200 coins
1 thread of 100 cowry shells, worth 200 coins
1 gold ingot, worth 200 coins
1 ivory miniature
1 serpent draught

Up next Gardens 1009 – Student of the Intruder Gardens 1009 — Student of the Intruder Pools of luminescent blue liquid, divided by walkways and connected by shallow channels, fill the buried Firmament 0805, 0806, 0906, 0907 – The Corridor of Knives Firmament 0805, 0806, 0906, 0907 — The Corridor of Knives Like two waves threatening to crash down and eviscerate travelers, spikes of sharp glass
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