
Some Hoards

A notable absence from the Thickets Campaign as of writing this is some Actual Damn Dungeons. I need to actually make some of the bastards, and I have a bigass folder of various types of maps to do so with at some point. I decided to roll up a few hoards for a few places first, so I can write some thoughts on the contents that will help me arrange them spatially as I write room entries later.

Each of these dungeons will get their own post at some point.

Horde procedures and named treasure is from &&&&&&&&& Treasure by Luke Gearing, with the few adaptational measures needed to work in TNU.

Runalt’s Sunken Chateau — mythic hoard
18,000 coins
25,000 coins in trade goods: iron ingots, drugs, and powdered spices
4 artifacts: Cloak of Hands, Copied Codex, Gilt Chariot, Sun Amulet
1 map, genuine
9 magic items: Potion of Terrible Strength, Reviled Ointment, Potion of Temporary Disintegration, Poison, Liquid Empathy, Batrachians Prize, Stolen Shroud, Worm Bones, Proven Sons

this is beneath hex 0506.
The most important revelation here is that Runalt is smoking that good shit. This is incredibly funny to me.
The rest of the goods paint a cool picture as well — the king hoarding stores of iron to arm his eventual conquests, but also covetously guarding imported spices that his desiccated tongue can never again taste.
The copied codex is interesting because I have already deployed a version of these in the campaign as I am currently running it! Hant’s order of assassins convey their traditions through song and dance, but never write them down, and given my entire dang obsession in this campaign with who has the power to write and record what for what purpose, I decided to use the item as the template for incorrect recordings of the order’s rituals that someone somewhere is distributing. An ancient undead king getting one of these is really fun.
The map is interesting because, by the procedures in &treasure, it points to another mythic hoard somewhere. That’s a big deal! I have to think on where it is — my impulses are that it should be either beneath the compass-construct in 0101, or maybe somewhere in the Gardens.
Of the magic items, the one I find myself thinking on the most is the poison. Thinkin hard on who would put this where in the dungeon. Excited to figure this out.

Rittersnake’s Dam-Fort — monstrous 3 hoard
300 coins
400 coins in trade goods: textiles, ammunition, iron ingots, powdered spices
1 map, genuine, same hoard type
3 magic items: Whale’s Eye, Hugo (ring), Potion of Compression

This is in hex 0603.
Part of my idea for this dungeon is that the rittersnakes got a fresh supply of bodies in the form of a crew of communist exiles from the kingdom of dreams, which makes the ammunition especially interesting – supplies seized from the victims? The Whale’s Eye similarly could be something they used to traverse the sea in their escape from the kingdom.
Also interesting that iron ingots and powdered spices make another appearance. Makes me imagine diplomats bearing gifts, bribes, payments from Runalt to those he views as his prospective new subjects when he returns to the surface.
I think the map will point to 1403, and I think the rittersnakes want a boat to go and get it.

Evil Boat (not occult futurists) — temple 2 hoard
1,000 coins
1,000 coins in trade goods: powdered spices
2 artifacts: brand, copied codex

More interesting repeats!
Powdered spices — I plan for this to be a roving dungeon, perhaps it once plied the routes by which these spices came here to begin with. Some interesting tension with the rittersnakes, if they are one of the ones it trades with, since I just decided they want a boat of their own.
The codex being aboard a moving vessel is tailor made to drive Hant berserk.
The brand is self explanatory.

Devil Town — monstrous 2 hoard
600 coins
500 coins in trade goods: iron ingots, sheep’s wool
1 magic item: stolen shroud

This will be located in hex 1413.
Given what devils are in this hexcrawl, I think I have a fun opportunity here: both the wool and ingots they have collected might just be their own by-products. A fun point of comparison to the tactically stored and distributed ingots of Runalt in the other hoards I rolled today.
The shroud is also a repeat, as one was in Runalt’s hoard. I don’t know where the devils got it and frankly that might be more fun for everyone involved.

Up next Play Report 10 Bonus - Almuund and the Mountain TNU Play Report 10.1: Almuund and the Mountain A short session with Almuund’s player, to catch up on what he was doing during the events of play Play Report 11 - A Small Reunion
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