
TNU Play Report 10.1: Almuund and the Mountain

A short session with Almuund’s player, to catch up on what he was doing during the events of play report 10.

As the rest of the party leaves to find the smugglers, Almuund moves his camp to be near the press so as to watch over it. He hears the same sound of water coming from above the river as the rest of the party. He throws a rock, hears a splash. The rock does not fall back down. He decides against further investigation until his allies return.

As the sun hits its peak, the fog burns away and the sounds of water from above fade.

Almuund looks to the north and is startled to see a distant mountain. It had not been there yesterday. He observes it for a while and takes in some details. The mountain is pristine, picturesque, snow coated, and surrounded by fluffy clouds. In fact, Almuund notes, the clouds mean that the mountain never visibly touches the landscape in the foreground. He sketches an approximation of the mountain in the mud by the shore of the river, and decides to talk to Hant about it when he returns. He seems like an expert in mountains after all.

A herd of deer walk through the woodlands around the campsite, browsing from the trees. They do not pay Almuund any mind.

The next morning, the mountain is gone.

Up next TNU Play Report 10 - Smugglers Some Hoards A notable absence from the Thickets Campaign as of writing this is some Actual Damn Dungeons. I need to actually make some of the
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