
TNU Play Report 11: A Small Reunion

This was a fairly short session. We were a player down again, on account of some schedule and energy crises. Sendin my love to all my players, who have jumped through some absurd hoops to make our games work <3.

Hant sleeps outside the smuggler’s villa, and wakes up early. He finds Cleo outside sharpening her axe, showing no signs of where she spent the night. He finds Benjamin inside, organizing a gang of burly lads to hoist the printing press. He assesses the burly lads. They are strong the way a farm worker gets strong, and while some of them have weapons, none has the bearing of an expert. Hant realizes that the smugglers overall tend to be younger than he realized, including Benjamin, who in the light of day seems to be only in his 30s.

Akela and Hant, led by Cleo and followed by Benjamin and the burly lads, set off across the swamp.

Back by the printing press, Almuund has a strange morning. Though it was clear when he awoke, fog rolls down the river as the sun rises, filling the woods. He feels something prod at him, try to enact some force upon him. It wants him to want to get in the river. He resists at the cost of 4 willpower damage, and spends the rest of the day cautiously lurking in camp, apprehensive. The fog fades by noon.

The smuggler-acquiring party returns. Hant nearly steps on Almuund’s drawing of a mountain in the mud by the shore when returning to the campsite, and demands an explanation. I was thinking of starting a religion around it,” says Almuund, describing the mountain he saw yesterday.

Hant gives an evil grin, and says, I hope to speak on this matter extensively.”

Almuund, oblivious or uncaring to his ally’s ill will, sets off to tend to the frozen egg he fished from the river.

Behind The Scenes:
The Occult-Futurists have immediately deployed an expiditionary force up the coast by boat. They will probably try to make it up the river. That river is pretty dangerous. I’ll have to think through how to deal with it.

Almuund’s willpower damage was a result of a bad encounter roll (a 2, which can net a depleted resource or a temporarily damaged stat) happening next to a nightmare: the dungeon I have cleverly named “Upriver,” the second river that floats above the river. A post detailing it is in the works, eventually.

Up next Some Hoards A notable absence from the Thickets Campaign as of writing this is some Actual Damn Dungeons. I need to actually make some of the Thickets Campaign Wilderness Encounters
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