
Wilderness Encounters in the Gardens Below

Use the procedures found in The Nightmares Underneath, page 357.

The encounter die varies by area.

Encounters in Fallow Garden Hexes
Encounter die D10

1. Satyr expedition, consisting of one leader and 2d4 followers (stats as Beastman leader and bodyguards).

2. 2D6 Occult-Futurist scouts.

3. An Abductor.

4. 1D6 Transcendentalists.

5. 1D6 Illuminators.

6. The Gargoyle.

Encounters in the Satyr’s Glade
Encounter die D6

1. 2D6 Satyrs (stats as Beastmen).

2. Satyr leader and 2d4 followers (stats as Beastman leader and bodyguards).

3. 1D6 Rittersnakes.

4. A Tomb Guardian.

5. 1D6 Illuminators.

6. Floral Tiger (stats as Murdercreeper, but with claws and teeth rather than a dagger).

Encounters in the Seafloor Gardens
Encounter die D8

1. 1D6 Glass Thieves.

2. 2D4 Crab-Dogs.

3. A Silt Lamprey.

4. 3D6 Iridescent Globes.

5. A Kraken.

6. The Dragon from 1404

Encounters in the King’s Grove Rootmass
Encounter die D6

1. 2D6 Interred (stats as Silent Accusers).

2. 1D4+1 Skull Faced Fiends.

3. 1D8 State-Sanctioned Thaumaturgists.

4. 3D6 Iridescent Globes.

5. A Tomb Guardian.

6. The Gargoyle.

Encounters in the Crab-Dog Megastructure
Encounter die D4

1. 4D8 Crab-Dogs.

2. 1D6 Glass Thieves.

3. A Silt Lamprey.

4. The Gargoyle.

Encounters in the Inverted Mountain
Encounter die D8

1. An Abductor.

2. 1D4+1 Adepts of the Flame.

3. Beasts of the Wilds.

4. 2D6 Interred (stats as Silent Accusers).

5. The Gargoyle.

6. A Horseman.

Encounters in the Graphite Nest
Encounter die D8

1. 2D6 Interred (stats as Silent Accusers).

2. 1D6 Wasp Riders and their mounts.

3. 3D6 Iridescent Globes.

4. A Tomb Guardian.

5. The Wall Prophet (stats as The Dragonseer).

6. The Gargoyle.

Stats for beastmen, silent accusers, rittersnakes, glass thieves, thaumaturgists, iridescent globes, tomb guardians, abductors, adepts of the flame, crab-dogs, illuminators, silt lampreys, krakens, skull faced fiends, and wasp riders can be found in the TNU Bestiary available through Johnstone Metzger’s patreon.
Stats for the dragonseer, murdercreepers, and gargoyles, as well as stats for various assorted humans that I use for Occult-Futurists and Transcendentalists, taken from Only Monsters Here (though I have modified the gargoyle somewhat and will detail that in a later post).

Up next TNU Play Report 12 - Legitimate Salvage TNU Play Report 13 - Transportation
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