
Militias of the Thickets

A supplemental table for the Wilderness Encounter tables.

1. Merchant-Industrialists. Loyal to Catage, so long as they’re paid. Banners and uniforms are dark blue with grey trim. 1-in-6 chance of having a mule-drawn bombard.

2. Occult-Futurists of Riccamino. Military jumpsuits and strange helmets. Prone to suspicion and contempt. 1-in-6 chance they have a hot air balloon.

3. Anarchists of the Collaboration. Colorful and varied, wearing loose belts and sashes of fabric whose colors and patterns signify what subcategory of revolutionary they wish to convey that they are, and to conceal knives. 1-in-4 chance to have printed agitprop.

4. Royalist gang. King’s Dog iconography abounds. 1-in-6 chance of being guided by a member of Hare House.

5. Mercenary company members. As varied as humans come. 1-in-6 chance a further force of their company is within half a days walk. Often actively pursuing the goals of another group or institution.

6. Smuggling ring toughs. As a rule they stay unassuming, but they’ve made it this long out here by being perfectly willing to defend their cargo. 1-in-4 chance they are transporting some ill gotten trade good (I recommend using &&&&&&&&& Treasures trade goods table)

Up next Beasts of the Wilds A supplemental table for the Wilderness Encounter tables. 1. 2d6 King’s Dogs. 2. 2d6 Wolves. 3. Big cat. 4. Bear. 1-in-8 TNU Play Report 12 - Legitimate Salvage
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