
TNU play report Bonus Stuff: Map Records

It was pointed out to me that it could be interesting to see a visual of the party’s movements across the map. I like this idea, and I’ll be adding that into future reports. This post will be a catch-up on previous sessions movements. It also will be where I correct a mistake from a prior report: in 2, I referenced a set of rumors learned by Almuund that I did not in fact detail in report 1!

The following map is analogous to the events of Play Report 1:

The blue lines correspond to the party’s movement, and green circles mark their camp sites.

The Play Report 2 map:

Almuund’s rumor collecting happened in the Thicket Collaboration, where he made contact with a well-traveled exile who had made his way along the coast. He relayed the following stories:
Upon leaving the wall, he traveled east and found a village of odd creatures that seem partially animal and partially metal, incorporating vaguely animalistic forms with what look like recognizable products of industry. It’s probably somewhere in 1313-1413. The beings were friendly but did not live in a manner comfortable to a human, so he moved on.
He then followed the coast northwards, traversing the beaches and swampland, until reaching a large structure at 1308 poking up through the sand. He believed it looked like the top of a much larger structure and began staking it out, trying to find ways in. After a few weeks of trying fruitlessly to find a safe entry he began suspecting that he was being watched. During the night there were multiple occasions where unseen assailants would harass him and steal or ruin his supplies. Eventually he stayed up to watch his camp, and saw several figures enter it. He threw a rock at one of them, and in the morning found broken glass where he struck them. This unnerved him enough to make him move on.
Next he climbed the mountains to the lake in 1110. It seemed like an ideal camp at first, between fresh water, easily available wood, and game in the forest, but complications rose nearly immediately. In and around the lake lived strange creatures that resemble dogs with crablike heads and tails, which hunt in packs and were unpredictable and aggressive. Furthermore the lake itself, which is shallow enough in most spots to wade across, has a submerged hole in its center that goes down far enough that the bottom cannot be seen. There was an ominous atmosphere around it that put him at such unease that he decided to leave.
Finally, he passed through the land around 0809 on his way to his new home and said that, in addition to the sounds of gunfire, there were camps of soldiers that appeared in the night and vanished again in the morning.

Play Report 3 does not involve long distance travel, but I do have records of travel through the dungeon to share.

Up next TNU Play Report 3: The Sunlit Redoubt TNU Play Report 4: Wasps, Moths, and the Consequences Thereof
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