
Play Report 24 — River Crossing

On a clear sunny morning, the party (of Almuund and Hant, as Akela’s player could not make it) sets off to reach the Valley Collaboration. Prior to leaving, there is some discussion of whether or not to avoid the bridge and crossroads, which Hant’s player suggests based on the knowledge that the Occult-Futurists surveil it. An alternative route is determined: a detour through the woods and across the river at 0607 and 0707. Some waxed canvas is bought to wrap perishable belongings in.

During the first day of travel, the party hears sounds of loud merriment from ahead of them in 0408. The source of this is a random encounter I rolled: 3 Sun Courtiers, faeries of the summer who delight in hunting. Based on the encounter rolls, they will be surprised by the PCs, and have a cautious but not hostile reaction. Almuund continues down the road, while Hant sneaks off to the side, into the cover of rocky hills. Both of them see, from different angles, a trio of white robed beings ornamented in bronze polished to the point of being blinding, one wielding a sword and the other two spears. One of the spear wielders gestures at the road while talking, and the other two laugh uproariously.

Hant decides to cast Clairaudience to hear the conversation better, and immediately fails to control the spell. He inadvertently casts Web Trap along with a working version of what he intended, and is treated firsthand to a barrage of archaic swearing and bafflement as the trio of Sun Courtiers try to determine why they are suddenly coated in spiderwebs (there is conjecture as to whether there is some beast that dwells here that is responsible). Hant quickly returns to the road without being seen and rejoins Almuund, and the two hastily walk past pretending not to see the indignant trio trying to wipe their formerly pristine robes free of spider-goop.

While the party camps through the night, these three make another appearance, passing close to the camp as they hike in a northeasterly direction but not noticing the characters. Hant tails them again, and hears them talk about finding a suitable quarry to hunt for the court.” One wants to go north, two want to head east to the coast. Hant returns to camp before they have a chance to notice his second round of spying.

The next day is one of uneventful travel. The party reaches 0608, and camps in preparation to head off road tomorrow.

Heading off the path proves to be difficult, and the party feels the loss of Cleos services, as 0607 takes a full day to traverse. It is a thick forest that has not accommodated human travel for centuries and is making no effort to do so now. Small birds shriek at the party to warn them away from nests tucked into the dense trees. Uncomfortable root-filled camp is made for the night.

The next day brings an escape from the tangled woodland, as the party emerges to 0707 and searches for a place to cross the river. The other side seems to have many points where people fish and gather water, but the side the party is on is mostly steep rocks. Eventually they see a group from 0807 gathering water into clay jugs, and wave at them. Communicating is hard, but the water collectors gesture to a relatively safe crossing point.

Hant wraps his belongings in part of the waxed canvas and manages to keep himself and his stuff afloat as he crosses.

Almuund is not so lucky. He looses his grip on his bundle while trying to swim. Luckily he had the foresight to tie it to his waist, so his belongings are not lost, but water does get into the top of it just enough to ruin his chalk.

Once on the other side, the Valley Collaboration denizens question them. An older man who seems to own the cart carefully grills them to see if they display any of what he would deem antisocial behaviors (such as a want to do crime, positive views on transcendentalism, anti-royalist sentiment, and general impoliteness to an elder) while an excited teen tries to ask what the other settlements are like. As Hant and Almuund try to make a positive impression, the Valley Collaboration (0807) comes into view:

Old fortress walls extend from the craggy stone hills their materials were made of. It is a smaller city than the Thickets collaboration (0208), but more of it is in use. A central fortress is surrounded by houses and markets that have remained sturdy through time and weather. Across all of them, new decorations: banners and flags bearing the iconography of King’s Dogs, ranging from old battle standards lovingly preserved to pieces of cloth hastily painted with comparatively insufficient skill and materials.

Up next Firmament 0204 – Ancient Artillery Firmament 0204 — Ancient Artillery A frighteningly mundane intrusion into the ethereal landscape of the firmament. A tower built of slabs of metal, 0807 – The Valley Collaboration 0807 — The Valley Collaboration The river valley of the wilds is full of craggy hills, cliffsides of stone that form spires and canyon walls which
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