Firmament 1404 — The Ghoul-Ship Friþgeard
Embedded in the glass is a sailing vessel, poorly maintained. New
material has been roughly added to it to provide cover from the sun and
weather. It is the home of a ghoul swarm. 4D8 are present at any given
The ghouls retain a rough approximation of a ship’s command structure
and social roles, though they have forgotten who held what position.
They are older than they realize, and time, isolation, undeath, and the
influence of Freyod has worn down the boundaries that individuate them.
They trade names, ideas, and tasks at a moments notice. They can all
agree that there is one of their number that they cannot account for:
Knauga, a scholar who was supposed to save them from a disaster sweeping
the wilds. They would pay dearly for knowledge of where
they vanished to.
Travelers who find themselves on good terms with the ghouls can treat
the ship as a small settlement, though one that can provide little in
the way of food or medicine for the living. The ghouls don’t remember
how they find themselves there, but will speak of creeping out of the
ship to find themselves not in the firmament but rather in great city
from which they steal fresh meat and the goods they recall being
important to sailing life. Any who have lived in Catage would recognize
their descriptions of it.
The ghouls keep a hold of treasure once meant to pay for refuge at the
boat’s long forgotten destination:
Ghoul’s Treasure-Hold (monstrous III, using &treasure)
700 coins
1200 coins in trade goods — powdered spices and fine garments
3 magic items — Potion of Compression, Itheadair Cinnidh, Silver
stats for TNU ghouls can be found in Only
Monsters Here