
TNU Play Report 15: The Printing Press

Hant’s player is caught up on the previous session, and informed of the result of their resentment score increasing. I decided that the concerned member of the community is definitely friend Jonas,” who confronts Hant in the morning when he is preparing to leave. Jonas” says that Hant’s stunt back in the first play report has become a problem for them – the other locals now think of Hant and Jonas” as having some sort of long term connection, and given the notability of Hant’s visits, Jonas” is getting more attention than is good for a career thief. Hant reassures them that he plans to spend ever briefer times in the crossroads, and to lay low when doing so. Jonas” hopes that this is true, but still starts trying to plan around the possibility that things escalate. Hant compliments their hair.

Next, Hant visits the jewelry selling assassin who was involved in the same incident with Jonas.” Trying to follow up on the task he was given at the Sunlit Redoubt, Hant asks whether he has sold any books recently. The other assassin admits that he largely avoids books as a trade good (they can be ruined by moisture too easily), but has occasionally had a few, for example some record of royal lineages to a royalist several months ago. He recommends that Hant visit the Northmost Collaboration if he’s interested in weird books. The transcendentalists there collect all sorts of weird stuff. Hant asks how often the other assassin makes his way to the Northmost Collaboration, to which he replies, only occasionally. It never feels good to climb up a mountain and back down to no particular gain.” Perturbed by this dig but polite, Hant takes his leave.

Akela learns that things Rubello has said have marked her as a potential Occult-Futurist collaborator to the locals. She does not like this. She considers killing him, but decides to hold off.

The party, the smugglers, and Parzival accompanied by Miss Marlowe set off for the Thicket Collaboration with the . The three day journey is uneventful.

When they arrive at the Thicket Collaboration they are immediately met by Coordinator Amaya. She takes Akela aside to make sense of the situation. Akela explains that she wanted to donate the press, but that Parzival has been sent to ensure that a deal favorable to the Salvager’s Guild is struck. A plan is struck: Amaya can acquire the money to give to Parzival, but also arrange for him to be slain by brigands, allowing for the money’s recovery. She has someone ready to take the fall for this, and acquiring an additional printing press is worth it. Akela is sure to specify that Benjamin and his smugglers are not targets to be killed in this scheme. With this all arranged, Amaya and Parzival meet to finalize the deal.

The value of the press and the anchor from the sunlit redoubt are enough to push Akela and Hant to level 2. Almuund’s player wasnt around today but I suspect he will also level up.

The printing press scheme has been a huge motivator to the party so it’s a momentious occasion for it to be coming to a close. I will need to figure out how to adjudicate the fate of Parzival and Marlowe. I plan to do a catch up session with Almuund’s player as well as determining the ongoing adventures of the Occult-Futurist scouts, I can probably work the determining of Parzival’s fate into that as well.

Up next some principles Some Principles: Stances on what constitutes a “good” text, design, etc. are at some point downstream of an economic perspective. This includes my Play Report 15 bonus - Almuund's Dilemmas
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