
TNU Play Report 14: Resentment

Schedules and unexpected events have been difficult recently, so this is another very short report, alas.

Akela buys a blanket to toss over the printing press to avoid prying eyes. A few members of the salvagers guild approach her to ask about the press, and she has to repeat her lie about having a buyer in the Thickets Collaboration already. Parzival reassures the other salvagers that he plans to follow along as a witness to the transaction, and so the problem is not solved, but delayed. This is good enough for now.

Almuund replenishes food supplies, and notes that the locals are preparing for a traditional scapegoat festival from before the merchant-industrialists took over. It is a popular festival still, despite the governing body of Catage condemning it. The local Hare House members seem to be contributing a lot to the preparations.

Hant’s player was absent, and so I will catch up with their plans for him at a different time, but several of his acquaintances are present. The jewelry-selling assassin of unknown allegiance and his good friend, Jonas,” are both around.

The merchant-industrialists who are tailing the party set up camp outside but within visible range of the camp, looking on disapprovingly. By morning time it is common gossip that they followed the party here, and this generates a point of resentment for each. I make the appropriate rolls:

Hant, now at 1 resentment, will have a concerned member of the community approach him to try to intervene. I have not yet decided who yet, but I am considering friend Jonas” as an avenue for this.

Akela, at 2 resentment, is now the subject of libel and slander. I am almost certain the source is Rubello.

Almuund, despite being merely at 1 resentment, has worn out his welcome. The locals want nothing to do with him and if he causes any further resentment he will be expelled by force.

Behind the scenes: the Occult-Futurist scouts venture into 0402, with no new encounter. In their spare time they calibrate their helmets, hoping to prevent any further suppression of their access to spells.

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