
An Appendix of Influences on the Thickets Campaign

These are works from which I have drawn heavy inspiration, thematic and aesthetic alike, ranging from a borrowing and reinterpretation of ideas to outright theft of imagery for my own use. When I write and play they rattle around in my head, helping shape and structure my own ideas.

As a quick aside before the list, I feel like I need to issue a huge thank you to all my friends who play this campaign with me. It wouldn’t be the same without you, none of what’s listed here would have the same weight without people like you sharing your thoughts and input, and you are all goddamn saints for putting up with things like me, for example, waking up at midnight and sending a bunch of incoherent texts about a picaresque you haven’t read but which I have ended up interpreting some aspect of your character through before I fall back asleep. Love you all <3

The works, listed in a wholly vibes-based order:

The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson

Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe

Turn A Gundam directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino

The Devil’s Backbone directed by Guillermo del Toro

The Dark Is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper

The Earthsea Cycle and The Hainish Cycle by Ursula K Le Guin

The Ecology of Freedom by Murray Bookchin

Phallos, Babel-17, and Dhalgren by Samuel Delany

A Spy in the House of Eth, and the entire A Thousand Thousand Islands project, by Zedeck Siew

Wet Grandpa by Evey Lockhart

Penda’s Fen, directed by Alan Clarke

The art of Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol

The Harrowing of Hell by Evan Dahm

On The Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

The Isle, Wolves Upon the Coast and &&&&&&&&& Treasure by Luke Gearing

The Devils, directed by Ken Russel

May Our Chambers Be Full by Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou

Inconsolable by Thou

The Batrachian Swamps by Micah Anderson

The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen

The Dark Souls series writ large but in particular Dark Souls 2

Sangfielle and Twilight Mirage by Friends At The Table

Where the Wheat Grows Tall by Camilla Greer and Evlyn Moreau

The House of Asterion by Jorge Luis Borges

The Ballad of Black Tom by Victor Lavalle

The Elementals by Michael McDowell

Loves Secret Domain, Backwards, Stolen and Contaminated Songs, and The Remote Viewer by Coil

Roadwarden by Moral Anxiety Studio

The art of Wayne Douglas Barlowe

The Thawing Kingdom by Rowan A.

Punishment Park, directed by Peter Watkins

The Sun King’s Palace by Snow

Pathologic by Ice Pick Lodge

Iron Path by Last Exit

The art of Katrin Dirim

Storming Heaven by Steve Wright

Rakehell by Brian Yaksha

All The Waters of the Earth turn to Blood by The Body

The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker

On the Silver Globe, directed by Andrzej Żuławski

Roadside Picnic by Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky

The Seventh Seal, directed by Ingmar Bergman

The art of Hieronymus Bosch

Dracula by Bram Stoker

All Bitches Die by Lingua Ignota

The player of Burhannetin in my campaign also cites the Dune series by Frank Herbert, the Star Wars prequel trilogy, and the Hitman game series as direct influences on how they play their character.

Up next 0505 — Brother To The Stones Noel (he/him) is a transcendentalist mystic, only 16 years old. He lives in a well-sheltered cave part way up one of occult futurist helmets Occult-Futurist Helmets Plastic and ceramic, cold and smooth, bolted and strapped to an iron frame. The aesthetic sensibilities of a late 20th
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