

Naval shock troops of the Occult-Futurists take pride in the fact that while their fellow soldiers must mostly rely on boats or balloons to make beachhead, their supernaturally bouyant boots and well insulated drysuit-armour lets them march directly from their warships to the field of battle. March” only in the sense of forward momentum — their actual motions are more akin to skaters, water churning around the boots and propelling them in an oily, often bloody, froth.
The boots and suits keep them stiff and upright when they die, standing along the sea and shore like buoys mounted with scarecrows. Muraenidae that survive multiple battles learn to use this as an advantage, turning their fallen into floating cover, or mimicking the slouched head of the dead to achieve an ambush. Many foes can’t spare the arrows or bullets to check every body.

level 2 evil humans
Armour 13, Hit Die 1d8, Morale 0
Numbers 1d6 (2d6), Speed 7, Surprise 0
Cha 8, Dex 14, Fer 14, Hth 12, Int 12, Wil 12
1 weapon attack per round (short sword on a cord attached to suit to allow retrieval if dropped). Carries a single pre-loaded pistol, impossible to reload in water combat conditions.
Half damage from cold and frost (property of drysuit-armour)
Muraenidae may move freely on the surface of water, and if forgoing other motion may climb upwards on a jet of water that reaches 10 feet high — if they move horizontally they return (loudly and with a splash) to water-level. They may not submerge themselves above the knees, and if forcibly submerged will bob directly back up.

Old Muraenidae Helmet:
An object from before the Occult-Futurists of Riccamino swore off the ocean floor as the only non-permissable site of conquest. This blue sleek helmet contains the formula for Water Breathing (nameless grimoire page 268), usable only on the wearer, and Indivisible (tnu page 216). It also has a mechanism that displays whether the wearer can safely breathe whatever is around them.
A variation from the baseline Occult-Futurist Helmet which contemporary muraenidae now wear. A few veterans keep their helmets but using them in the field is punishable by death.

(this statblock and the page references in the helmet are for The Nightmares Underneath)

Up next occult futurist helmets Occult-Futurist Helmets Plastic and ceramic, cold and smooth, bolted and strapped to an iron frame. The aesthetic sensibilities of a late 20th Horsemen He looks like men in long robes seated atop powerful horses, resembling but not quite exactly like some of the sturdy draft breeds and
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