
Firmament 0805, 0806, 0906, 0907 — The Corridor of Knives

Like two waves threatening to crash down and eviscerate travelers, spikes of sharp glass rise from the firmament on either side of a relatively safe path through. The needles are swept at angles upwards and to the north, and sometimes form tunnels over the path. Old bloodstains and scraps of torn fabric can be seen in the glass. Falling or being pushed against it deals 3d4 damage, and being dropped from above onto it results in almost certain death.

Emissary bodies of the Spiderweb Goddesses can traverse the glass unharmed. Glass thieves can climb through them without fear of hurt, though it makes for slow going.

In 0805 and 0806, the path splits and becomes more mazelike, the spikes become shorter. A favorite hunting ground of glass thieves, to Vara’s frustration. 1-in-4 chance that 1d6 glass thieves hide in the shallow spines. They ambush small groups, and in the case of a non glass thief encounter, will wait out a fight between other groups to ambush tired or wounded survivors.

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