
Firmament 1004 — Witch-Knight

Holes have been drilled into the glass here, and 100 iron poles bearing colorful pennants have been inserted into them. They range from 10 to 20 feet tall, and can be removed from their holes with significant effort.

Ghostly images of living beings in other hexes of this type can be seen here. 50% chance of seeing the images of 1d6 transcendentalists from 0212 walking in 0211 and 0311. If over half the pennants are removed, the images cannot be seen until they are returned.

Gyre (they/them, level 6 knight fighter) was once a knight in service to the Lavalle-Fontaine family of Catage, and fought on the royalist side during the revolution. They were sentenced to a life of imprisonment in the Wall of Catage. A fellow prisoner, now dead and nameless, introduced them to the witch faith and with it a new name, a new sense of self, and ways to express regret for a life in service to the royals without capitulating to the Merchant-Industrialists who imprisoned them. As is the case with many prisoners of the wall, they ended up slipping free of their cell and wandering the labyrinthine corridors. Unlike most of these cases, Gyre found a way out: they found the top of the wall, and made a leap of faith to the signal fire in 0213. This was long before any transcendentalists would make that same leap.

In the following 40 years, they have wandered the firmament and created a modest but permanent camp here. They have a waterproof tent (occult-futurist in make, taken from a ghoul from the ghoul-ship), a suit of plate and helmet, a 2 handed sword, a hook, a dagger, a long bow and 4 dozen arrows, and a chest retrieved from storage in the wall containing a stolen relic of a forgotten cult: the pelvis and one finger bone of a martyred believer from centuries past. They no longer need to eat, and can’t remember when they realized that or know how it happened.

Gyre’s time is mostly spent meditating and walking among the iron poles, going on occasional expeditions primarily to break the monotony. They are knowledgeable about most of the terrain and dwellers of the firmament, with the exception that they have never visited the islands that are not connected contiguously with the rest. Hostile creatures of the firmament, particularly the ghouls, have learned to avoid their camp after the many times Gyre has handily bested an opponent there.

Up next Gardens 0710 – The City At The Bottom Of The Top Of The Mountain Gardens 0710 — The City At The Bottom Of The Top Of The Mountain At the lowest point of the inverted mountain, a utopia for no one breaks through Gardens 1009 – Student of the Intruder Gardens 1009 — Student of the Intruder Pools of luminescent blue liquid, divided by walkways and connected by shallow channels, fill the buried
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