
Firmament 0203 — Metallic Skeletal Giant

A giant humanoid figure, 60 feet from head to foot, is entombed below the glass. Only the tip of a single finger emerges from the glass — it is made of an alloy unknown to any living metallurgist. The body has sustained significant damage from some ancient battle and shows signs of scarring, burns, and faded paint. A few exterior armor plates remain on the arms and legs, but are missing from the body and head, revealing a skeletal architecture beneath. A hinged door in the chest is shut.

If the giant is chiseled out of the glass and the door opened, a body is found seated within: a mummified woman wearing a skintight suit and a Sundrenched Cloak (from &treasure). A living being with spells memorized who climbs into the cockpit is locked inside for 24 hours as the giant recharges, all currently memorized spells corrupted, as the giant recharges itself via magic. A reactivated giant can be controlled sluggishly, able to travel 1 hex per day. It is physically powerful, able to leap high in the air and fall from the firmament to the earth safely. Its computer acts as a spellbook already containing the spells Sever Arcane Links and Ward Against The Other World. Once active, it causes all spells of the Divination and Correspondences schools (as defined by The Nameless Grimoire) to end or miscast in its hex and all adjacent to it, including those on a map immediately below or above it.

The computer also contains instructions on repairing its armor and mechanical components: if proper materials can be found, it can perform most of the repairs itself. With armor plating and recalibrated mechanical parts, it is impervious to human-scale weapons and can move 3 hexes in the time an average traveler can walk 1.

The ancient astrologists in 0204 are sure to take notice of any meddling around the buried giant. They lack specific understanding, but know that it is dangerous.

Up next A Game of Toilet Skeleton Firmament 1310 – Furnace of the Sky Firmament 1310 — Furnace of the Sky A huge black cauldron sits in the waves of glass. It has filled with rain water over time, effectively forming
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