
A Conversion of Monsters in The Isle to TNUs Stat System

I am not a master at conversion, but through looking at the way The Vanilla Game’s monsters work, figuring out analogues in TNU’s guidelines, and throwing in a hefty dose of vibes and what I’d personally rule moment to moment when necessary, I have made this for my own use. Maybe you too will find it useful.
You can find The Isle here in physical form, and here in digital form.
The Nightmares Underneath is available here both digitally and physically.

Floor 1 entries:

Bonded Dead
level 1 evil undead.
Armour 11 (12 if bonded to Daineal), Hit Die 1d4, Morale +3, medium, Speed 6, Surprise 0.
Dex 8
1 weapon attack per round, sword or spear
Ignore damage rolls of 5 or less from slashing and piercing weapons.
If bonded to Fionn: damage rolls of 1 against the Bonded Dead allow leeches to crawl onto the attacker. They deal 1 damage per round until removed and take a full round to remove.

These guys are so much more obstacle than enemy - If you want to do something to them you can just do it, with the obvious potential consequence of them yelling.
I don’t think they need stat blocks in the same way other stuff in here does, but for the purpose of detection spells, cultist’s abjuration, etc. they count as level 1 neutral undead.

Floor 2 entries:

Level 1 evil undead.
Armour 14, Hit Die 1d6, Morale +1, medium, Speed 4, Surprise +1.
Dex 8
1 unarmed attack per round.
Laid to rest when paid 3d20 coins

Vinegar Drinkers
Level 2 evil undead.
Armour 11, Hit Die 1d6, Morale +3, medium, Speed 6, Surprise +2 once the party learns their smell.
Dex 10
1 bottle attack per round, blunt weapon on first hit and sharp after. 2 if in presence of beer, mead.
Placated by wine and destroyed by spirits as in entry in The Isle.
Nauseating stench gives -2 to attacks made with weapons short and below in length.

Dainéal Ó Ceannaigh
Level 2 evil undead.
Armour 11, Hit Die 1d6, Morale +2, large, Speed 7, Surprise -1.
Cha 13, Dex 12, Fer 15
Skilled in archaic leadership doctrines and intimidation.
1 attack as a fighter per round.
Can only be harmed by magic or silver weapons.

Fionn Ó Ceannaigh
Level 3 evil undead.
Armour 14, Hit Die 1d6, Morale +1, medium, Speed 7, Surprise -1.
Cha 14, Dex 15, Int 12
Skilled in archaic leadership doctrines and lying.
1 unarmed attack per round.
Ignore damage rolls of 5 or less from slashing and piercing weapons.
Damage rolls of 1 against Fionn allow leeches to crawl onto the attacker. They deal 1 damage per round until removed and take a full round to remove.

Starved Eels
Level 1 neutral beastlings.
Armour 12, Hit Die 1d6, Morale +1, small, Speed 8 in water, Surprise -2.
Dex 10
1 bite attack per round.
A successful bite against the target of another bite has a 1 in 6 chance of dragging the target under the water. Eels attack as fighters against dragged under targets.
Cannot fight out of water and will rapidly die.

Intelligent Flame
Level 1 chaotic faerie.
Armour 18, Hit Die 1d4, Morale +1, small, Speed 7, Surprise +3.
Dex 13
1 fire attack per round. Deals an additional 1d6 to all enemies in short and below range each round. A damage roll of 6 sets the target ablaze. Characters on fire can spend a complicated combat action to extinguish the flames, but they must save against their Dexterity. Otherwise, they suffer an additional 1d4 damage each round from the fire.
Immune to fire and heat. May be destroyed through immersing the fire in water or dirt.

Teeth Orb
Level 3 evil golem.
Can be hit without a roll but reassembles itself. Hit Die 1d8, does not check morale, large, Speed 7, Surprise +3.
Dex 10
1 teeth orb attack per round.
Does not have disposition as a normal creature, fallen teeth return to the body. If dealt 10 or more in a single round it must spend the next full round reassembling and take no other action.

Floor 3 entries:

Level 3 lawful undead.
Armour 13, Hit Die 1d8, Morale +2, medium, Speed 7, Surprise 0.
Dex 12
Skilled in military tactics
1 weapon attack as fighter per round, short sword or thrown javelin.

Level 5 lawful undead.
Armour 13, Hit Die 1d8, Morale +2, medium, Speed 7, Surprise 0.
Dex 12
Skilled in military tactics
1 weapon attack as fighter per round, short sword or thrown javelin.

Level 5 lawful undead. (level 5 scholar)
Armour 10+level, Hit Die 1d4, Morale +1, medium, Speed 7, Surprise 0.
Cha 13, Dex 9, Fer 7, Hth 0, Int 14, Wil 10.
Skills and abilities as scholar class.
Psychic armor (2d4)
1 attack or spell per round.
Spells: Charm Person, Paralysis, Illusory Being, Illusory Appearance

Sea Things
Level 2 chaotic beastlings.
Armour 14, Hit Die 1d6, Morale 0, medium, Speed 7, Surprise -1.
Dex 10
1 claw or bite attack per round.
Cannot drown. Double damage from desiccating effects.

Marine-Bound Minds
Level 4 chaotic dwellers in the deep.
Armour 12, Hit Die 1d8, Morale +1, large, Speed 6, Surprise +1.
Dex 8
Skills: Choose one or more things the monster is particularly good at.
1 unarmed attack per round.
Do not need to breathe. Half damage from psychic attack. Double damage from desiccation and poisons that harm plant life.

Story Eater
Level 8 chaotic nightmare.
Armour 16, Hit Die 1d8, Morale 0, large, Speed 9, Surprise 0.
Dex 10
2 attacks per round. Targets must succeed on a dex saving throw or be grabbed and lose 1000 xp. On following rounds, they must succeed on a dex or fer saving throw to escape or lose another 1000 xp. May hold up to 3 people.
Will chase after books or bodies (or other sources of recorded information).

Sword Boar
Level 7 chaotic beastling.
Armour 18 (see abilities), Hit Die 1d10, Morale +1, huge, Speed 8, Surprise 0.
Dex 12
1 attack as fighter per round.
An attacker may open themselves to harm from the weapons on the boars back (as an attack roll with no bonuses). If they do, they treat the boar as having 12 armor this round, and ignore the penalty for attacking a huge creature.

Level 8 chaotic faerie.
Armour 14, Hit Die 1d6, Morale +3, medium, Speed 7, Surprise 0.
Dex 10
1 unarmed or petrifying gaze attack per round. Players may avoid looking at the Sap-Being’s eyes, but they attack as a fighter against enemies who do this.
Each round, summons a boar, wolf, or fox. (armor 12, hd 1d6, morale +2 until sap-being is defeated dropping to -2, dex 12)

Sea thing growth entries:

Radial Snail
Level 4 neutral beastlings.
Armour 18, Hit Die 1d8, Morale +2, small, Speed 3, Surprise +1.
Dex 1
1 unarmed attack per round.
Double damage from desiccation

Bodysnatcher Worm
Doesn’t engage in combat, but for the purpose of detection spells and cultist’s abjuration, is a level 5 chaotic dweller in the deep.

Floor 4:

The Arch-Druid
Level 10 chaotic human.
Armour 12, Hit Die 1d6, Morale +1, medium, Speed 7, Surprise 0.
Dex 14
Skills as a cultist.
1 attack and 1 effect from the d8 chart in the isle per round.
Rolls 3 disposition dice. When struck by a weapon, wolves eels and boars equal to the damage roll emerge from the wound (armor 12, hd 1d6, morale +2 until druid leaves, dex 12). The druid cannot drop below 1 disposition when these animals live.

Up next Burning Wheel: a test character and impressions of this object Applying Models To What Is Modeled, part 1: I Really Fuckin Like TNU The Nightmares Underneath is in a lot of ways basically my ideal dungeon
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