
WutC Content Warning list (referee facing)

This is a full list of potential content warnings for content in Luke Gearing’s Wolves Upon the Coast Grand Campaign, made during a read through of the full text as I and some friends prepare to run a West Marches style open table game of it. This version of the list is for myself and my fellow referees, so that we can quickly reference what potentially heavy subjects can arise in a given hex and cross reference that to any content requests from the players.
I am uploading it publicly in case some other referee might find it useful to have on hand.


12.23 animal death, torture

21.03 nudity, endangerment of children

08.03 torture and execution

10.03 gore

11.04 animal sacrifice, endangerment of children

16.04 mutilation

12.05 urine, memory loss

15.05 mind control

16.05 spiders

18.05 mutilation

10.06 violence by military force

11.06 tooth trauma

13.06 gore

19.06 cannibalism, reproductive horror

12.07 mutilation, body horror, disease, mouth trauma, choking, saliva

15.07 mutilation, torture, spiders

16.07 torture

10.08 disease, body horror, animal death

14.08 animal death

09.09 kidnapping, human sacrifice

15.09 cannibalism

18.09 implied bestiality, animal death, animal cruelty

11.10 claustrophobia

10.11 torture and execution, animal death

16.11 body horror

19.11 body horror

21.11 self-harm, body horror, kidnapping, animal death

12.12 child death, animal death

17.12 execution by an occupying force

20.12 death by burning, animal death, body horror

10.13 animal death, cruelty to animals

15.13 body horror, mouth trauma

16.13 drowning

19.13 animal harm

08.14 religious persecution

11.14 claustrophobia

12.14 drowning

16.14 body horror

21.14 drowning

09.15 false identity, social horror, body horror

14.15 animal death

15.15 animal cruelty, eye trauma, body horror

18.15 occupation by a military force

19.15 body horror, drowning

06.16 body horror

07.16 endangerment of children

11.16 animal death, body horror, sexual horror

13.16 mouth trauma, animal death

14.16 phallic iconography, religious persecution

11.17 human sacrifice

12.17 body horror

15.17 drowning, human sacrifice, gore, mouth trauma

17.17 body horror, mouth trauma, suffocation, mutilation

11.18 religious persecution

12.18 body horror, mouth trauma, self-mutilation, religious persecution, human sacrifice

13.18 animal sacrifice

14.18 vomit, body horror, cannibalism, reproductive horror, human sacrifice, mutilation, blood

05.19 kidnapping, human sacrifice

09.19 animal death

12.19 mouth trauma

13.19 mind control

18.19 mutilation

06.20 human sacrifice, body horror, blood and gore

09.20 eye trauma, body horror

13.20 mind control

14.20 body horror, blood, mutilation, torture

15.20 animal death, parasites

16.20 mythological bestiality

10.21 suicide

16.21 human sacrifice


43.01 kidnapping and endangerment of children

48.01 human sacrifice

51.01 body horror, head+face injury, cruelty to animals

37.02 familial violence

44.02 animal death, kidnapping of children, child death

46.02 poisoning

35.03 dismemberment, limb loss

40.03 parasites, body horror

42.03 use of restraints

44.03 blood, pica

48.03 torture by animal

36.04 feces

39.04 animal death, feces, blood and gore, claustrophobia, nudity, cannibalism

47.04 drowning

37.05 cruelty to children and the elderly

42.05 castration

43.05 kidnapping and imprisonment

39.06 drowning

44.06 kidnapping, torture

45.06 animal cruelty, kidnapping, arson

49.06 parasites

39.07 gore, animal death

42.07 cannibalism

44.08 ritual mutilation, human sacrifice, religiously motivated killing

45.08 kidnapping, gore, torture

51.08 animal cruelty

49.09 kidnapping, torture

50.09 cannibalism

49.10 cannibalism

50.11 cannibalism

51.11 cannibalism

The Mid-Isles:

29.04 body horror, self mutilation, mouth trauma, cannibalism

29.08 mutilation, mouth trauma, body horror, animal death, blood, human sacrifice

25.15 self-mutilation, animal death

28.16 body horror, mutilation, animal death

27.17 mutilation, religious persecution

24.19 imprisonment, torture

25.20 arranged marriage


35.12 body horror, animal sacrifice

36.12 gore, death by falling

39.12 face trauma, animal death, mouth trauma, mutilation

36.13 body horror

40.13 body horror, animal sacrifice

42.13 cannibalism

35.14 body horror

38.14 hallucination, vomiting

39.14 body horror, human sacrifice

44.14 drowning

31.15 reproductive horror, vomiting

34.15 animal death

31.16 torture, imprisonment

39.16 death by burning, painful injury

42.16 body horror, human sacrifice

43.16 human sacrifice, throat trauma

33.17 malformed animals

35.17 animal death

39.17 body horror, animal death

44.17 human sacrifice

45.17 drowning

34.18 blood

48.18 starvation

38.19 body horror, blood, mouth trauma

39.19 endangerment of children

44.19 animal death, parasites

48.19 body horror

40.20 body horror, mind control


02.05 strangulation

03.07 body horror, mutilation

04.07 animal death

02.08 body horror, infestation by insect

01.09 body horror, drowning

03.09 body horror, parasites, gore, disembowelment

06.09 blood, head trauma

01.10 animal death, disease, blood, animal sacrifice, body horror

03.10 animal sacrifice

05.10 feces, body horror, claustrophobia, human sacrifice, religious persecution

02.11 body horror, cannibalism

03.11 body horror, reproductive horror

01.12 religious persecution

05.12 religious persecution, death by burning

04.13 body horror

04.14 body horror


02.26 body horror, blood

03.27 body horror, blood, nudity

04.28 endangerment of children

06.28 religious persecution, animal sacrifice, blood

08.28 body horror

09.28 torture, imprisonment, body horror, blood and gore, animal death, claustrophobia, mutilation, suicide

10.28 human and animal sacrifice

06.29 body horror, child death, suicide

09.29 blood and gore, eye trauma, death by falling

10.29 animal sacrifice

02.30 eye trauma, self-mutilation

09.30 blood and gore, imprisonment, consumption of raw meat

12.30 cannibalism

05.31 mimicry, social horror

09.31 body horror

11.31 drowning

13.31 imprisonment, body horror, torture, head trauma, spiders, animal death, cruelty to animals, feces, parasites, mouth trauma, blood and gore, nudity, claustrophobia, social horror and impersonation, medical horror, human and animal sacrifice, mind control

15.24 blood, animal sacrifice

19.24 body horror, drowning

20.24 animal sacrifice

11.25 harm to animal

13.25 animal death, cruelty to animals

14.25 religious persecution

16.25 child death

17.25 body horror

21.25 body horror

13.26 pica

15.26 torture and imprisonment, body horror

16.26 blood, cannibalism, persecution of indigenous peoples

17.26 claustrophobia

15.27 animal sacrifice

18.27 parasites

15.28 human and animal sacrifice

14.29 reproductive horror

18.29 body horror

17.30 mind control

16.31 spiders

14.32 body horror

22.27 endangerment of children

24.27 kidnapping and imprisonment

21.28 cruelty to animals

20.29 death by burning

23.29 human sacrifice

23.30 cannibalism

25.30 human sacrifice, suffocation

18.31 animal death

23.31 cannibalism, blood

17.32 body horror, blood and gore, pica

19.32 body horror, disease

24.32 animal death, body horror, reproductive horror

26.27 disease

26.30 body horror, blood, human sacrifice, cannibalism, torture

26.32 religious persecution

25.24 mutilation, claustrophobia, body horror, animal death and cruelty, blood, reproductive horror, feces, genitalia

37.24 death by burning

34.25 animal death, animal sacrifice, human sacrifice

37.25 impersonation, social horror

38.25 religious persecution

29.26 gore

30.27 religious persecution, forced marriage, human sacrifice, animal death

31.27 impersonation, kidnapping, endangerment of children, social horror

29.28 body horror, cannibalism

30.28 vomiting, animal death, disease

33.28 phallic imagery

37.28 bestiality (as insulting rumor)

28.29 child death

36.29 blood, animal death, body horror

38.29 nudity

33.30 mutilation, blood and gore, animal death

31.31 endangerment and death of children, animal death and cruelty, dismemberment, medical horror, blood and gore, urine, feces

36.31 human sacrifice

38.31 mind control, forced marriage

28.32 blood, human sacrifice

31.32 blood and gore

34.32 kidnapping

40.42 animal death and suffering

41.24 imprisonment

41.25 imprisonment, torture

44.25 body horror

45.25 body horror, human sacrifice, endangerment to children

40.26 nudity

43.26 drowning, human sacrifice

46.26 body horror, mutilation, cannibalism

40.27 human sacrifice

43.27 animal sacrifice, urine, blood

51.27 imprisonment,

40.28 animal death

45.28 animal death, human sacrifice, mutilation, mouth trauma, head trauma

46.28 drowning, animal death

49.28 mutilation, torture

41.29 drowning

45.29 animal death and cruelty

50.29 body horror

51.29 body horror, eye trauma, human sacrifice, imprisonment, drowning

41.30 human sacrifice, imprisonment, head trauma

42.30 animal death and cruelty

50.30 body horror

40.31 imprisonment, mutilation, eye and mouth trauma

43.31 posession

39.32 imprisonment, self-mutilation

43.32 torture, body horror, mutilation

44.32 body horror

49.32 familial conflict

Wandering Isles:

body horror overall
01.00 body horror
01.01 urine, feces
02.01 dehydration, blood
02.02 mutilation, gore

The Screaming Rock:
torture, kidnapping, cannibalism

Isle of the Observers:
body horror, mutilation, medical horror

The Burning Lung:
human sacrifice

gore, body horror

body horror, blood and gore, torture, imprisonment, cannibalism

body horror, endangerment of children, reproductive horror

The Fortress:
death by electrocution, body horror, centipedes, mutilation

The Moon:
disease, body horror, parasites, reproductive horror, torture

Up next WutC Content Warning List (player facing) WutC Content Warning list (player facing) This is a full list of potential content warnings for content in Luke Gearing’s Wolves Upon the Coast TNU Play Report 16 - Some Time Passes TNU Play Report 16: Some Time Passes The party spends a month in the Thickets Collaboration, pursuing various ends. Hant leverages the printing
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